
Input Data

At least two files of baselines are needed for the simulation: 1) one file with module parameters throughout the years, for example baseline_US, and 2) one or more files with process parameters for each material being analyzed in the module, for example baseline_glass. See baseline_module and baseline_material for more details on input columns needed and their definition.

The baselines folder in the PV_ICE tool provides baseline scenarios for modules in the US and World level, as well as baseline_materials for glass, Silver and Aluminum. For more details on the source of these values, see the documentation on baselines.


year : int Year.

new_Installed_Capacity_[MW]: float New installed PV capacity in MW. Additions of PV modules in nameplate MW peak in the specified year.

module_efficiency_[%]: float Nameplate efficiency of the module. i.e.: 22.3 %.

module_reliability_t50_[years]: float (optional) The number of years after the installation year at which 50% of the cohort of modules will be removed from the field

module_reliability_t90_[years]: float (optional) The number of years after the installation year at which 90% of the cohort of modules will be removed from the field

module_degradation_[%]: float Percentage annual reduction of the module’s performance, relative to it?s nameplate. i.e. 0.5 %.

module_manufacturing_efficiency_[%]: float Efficiency of manufacturing modules (if there are losses of modules and all associated products during production).

module_EOL_collection_losses_[%]: float Percentage of modules collected from the field at end of life for sorting and disposition. i.e. 30%

module_EOL_collected_recycled_[%] : float Percentage of collected end of life modules that are sent to recycling

module_repowering_[%]: float Percentage of modules at EOL from degradation that are repowered.

module_repairing_[%]: float Percentage of modules at EOL from failure that are repaired and go back to functioning in the field.


material_virgin_efficiency_[%]: float Efficiency of mining, extracting, and purifying the material up to the point of entry into the module manufacturing line.

material_masspermodule_[kg]: float Mass of specified material in kilograms per PV module

material_manufacturing_efficiency_[%]: float Efficiency of the manufacturing production line for the material - i.e. how much of the input material is incorporated into the module

material_manufacturing_scrap_recycled_[%]: float The percentage of the scrap generated at the manufacturing facility that is sent to recycling (internal or external).

material_manufacturing_scrap_recycling_efficiency_[%]: float Efficiency of the scrap recycling process

material_manufacturing_scrap_recycled_into_HighQuality_[%]: float Percentage of manufacturing scrap which is recycled into high quality material and used for non-PV module applications externally (open loop)

material_manufacturing_scrap_recycled_into_HighQuality_reused_for_module_manufacturing_[%]: float Percentage of manufacturing scrap material which is recycled and used in the manufacturing of a new module

material_EOL_collected_Recycled_[%]: float Percentage of collected end of life material which is sent to recycling

material_EOL_Recycling_efficiency_[%]: float Efficiency of the end of life recycling process, i.e. percentage of the material that is put through the process that is successfully recycled

EOL_Recycled_Material_into_HighQuality_[%]: float Percentage of collected end of life material recycled into high quality material and used for non-PV modules applications externally (open loop)

EOL_Recycled_HighQuality_Reused_for_Manufacturing_[%]: float Percentage of end of life recycled material that is recycled into high quality material and used in the manufacture of a new module (closed loop)

Output Data

The CEMFC calculates virgin material, landfilled and recycled materials, and the many other steps in the Mass Flow Diagram for each year dynamically. It appends these annual results to the dataframe loaded from baseline_module and baseline_materials. A description of the output columns is below.

CEMFC Outputs

module_installedCapacity_[MW] Summation of all cohorts of installed PV actively in the field in the specified year

material_installedMass_[kg]: float Summation of material associated with the total installed capacity in the field in a specified year

material_EoL_[kg]: ** material_EoL_waste_[kg]: Material in modules from all cohorts that reach that year the end-of-life stage. This value already reflects repowered, reused, or re-manufactured modules.

material_EoL_CollectionLost: float Summation of waste material accounting for collection efficiency on an annual basis

material_EoL_Collected_Recycled: float Summation of waste material sent for recycling, accounting for collection efficiency losses

material_EoL_Collected_Landfilled: float End of life collected material that is landfilled, as opposed to recycled, on an annual basis

material_EoL_Recycled_Succesfully: float End of life collected material that is successfully recycled, accounting for recycling process efficiencies, on an annual basis.

material_EoL_Recycled_Losses_Landfilled: float Material waste as output by the recycling process, which is landfilled, on an annual basis.

material_EoL_Recycled_into_HQ: float Quantity of material which is successfully recycled into high quality material, on an annual basis.

material_EoL_Recycled_into_Secondary: float Quantity of material recycled into low quality material, i.e. downcycled, on an annual basis.

material_EoL_Recycled_HQ_into_Manufacturing: float Quantity of material which is successfully recycled into high quality material and is used in closed loop for new PV modules, on an annual basis.

material_EoL_Recycled_HQ_into_OtherUses: float Quantity of material which is successfully recycled into high quality material and is used in open loop in other applications, on an annual basis.

material_manufacturing_input: float Quantity of material required to be input to the manufacturing process, accounting for inefficiencies in the production process, on an annual basis.

material_manufacturing_scrap: float Quantity of scrap material generated during the manufacturing process, on an annual basis.

material_manufacturing_scrap_Recycled: float Quantity of scrap material from the manufacturing process which is recycled, on an annual basis.

material_manufacturing_scrap_Landfilled: float Quantity of scrap material generated during the manufacturing process which is not recycled, on an annual basis.

material_manufacturing_Scrap_Recycled_Succesfully: float Quantity of scrap material generated during the manufacturing process which is successfully recycled, accounting for process efficiencies, on an annual basis.

material_manufacturing_Scrap_Recycled_Losses_Landfilled: float Quantity of waste material generated and landfilled from the scrap recycling process, on an annual basis.

material_Manufacturing_Recycled_into_HQ: float Quantity of manufacturing scrap material successfully recycled into high quality material, on an annual basis.

material_Manufacturing_Recycled_into_Secondary: float Quantity of manufacturing scrap material successfully recycled into low quality material, i.e. downcycled, on an annual basis.

material_Manufacturing_Recycled_HQ_into_Manufacturing: float Quantity of manufacturing scrap material successfully recycled into high quality material and input to the manufacturing process (closed loop), on an annual basis.

material_Manufacutring_Recycled_HQ_into_OtherUses: float Quantity of manufacturing scrap material successfully recycled into high quality material and used in external applications (open loop), on an annual basis.

material_virgin_stock: float Annual quantity of virgin raw material inputs to the manufacturing process to provide for the manufacturing needs. This value compensates for process and efficiency parameters such as recycled material input.

material_Total_EoL_Landfilled_Waste: float Annual quantity of material sent to the landfill from the end of life, including process inefficiencies and collection losses.

material_Total_Manufacturing_Landfilled_Waste: float Annual quantity of material sent from the manufacturer to the landfill, including process and internal recycling process inefficiencies.

material_Total_Landfilled_Waste: float EoL + Manufacturing. Annual total quantity of material from all processes, manufacturing, recycling, end of life, which are sent to the landfill.

Total_EoL_Recycled_OtherUses: float Annual total quantity of material from all processes, manufacturing, recycling, end of life, which are recycled into external applications, open loop.

Data References

Installed Capacity - Past

Installation data for solar pv installed in the US and globally from several IEA-PVPS T1 reports, Wood MacKenzie Power and Renewables Reports, and LBNL Utility-Scale Solar Reports. Note that installed capacity includes on and off grid, residential, commercial, and utility scale PV. Note that IEA PVPS data (US and global) pre-2009 data is assumed to be all silicon technology.

US Installations 1995 through 2008 taken from (K. Bolcar and K. Ardani, “National Survey Report of PV Power Applications in the United States 2010,” IEA-PVPS, National Survey T1-19:2010, 2010. [Online]. Available:

2009 taken from (M. Bolinger, J. Seel, and D. Robson, “Utility-Scale Solar 2019,” LBNL, Dec. 2019. Accessed: Aug. 13, 2020. [Online]. Available:

2010 through 2019 taken from Wood Mackenzie Power & Renewables PV Forecasts Q2 of 2020 (“US PV Forecasts Q2 2020 Report,” Wood Mackenzie Power & Renewables.)

Other resources consulted include: (F. H. Morse, “IEA PVPS Task 1 1993,” IEA-PVPS, IEA PVPS T1:1993, Mar. 1995. Accessed: Aug. 13, 2020. [Online]. Available: (“IEA PVPS Task 1 1997,” IEA-PVPS, IEA PVPS T1:1997, Mar. 1997. Accessed: Aug. 13, 2020. [Online]. Available: (“Trends in Photovoltaic Applications 2019,” IEA-PVPS, IEA PVPS T1-36:2019, Aug. 2019. Accessed: Aug. 12, 2020. [Online]. Available: IRENA Solar Energy Data (, and

Installed Capacity - Projections

Projection installation data for 2019 through 2050, Installations projected to increase 8.9% compound annual growth rate through 2050 (IRENA, “Future of Solar PV 2019,” IRENA, 2019. Accessed: Apr. 02, 2020. [Online]. Available: OR NREL Std Scenarios 2019 mid case

Module Baselines

Degradation rate (in percentage power loss per year) (D. C. Jordan, S. R. Kurtz, K. VanSant, and J. Newmiller, “Compendium of photovoltaic degradation rates,” Progress in Photovoltaics: Research and Applications, vol. 24, no. 7, pp. 978?989, 2016, doi: 10.1002/pip.2744.)

Failure probability data, i.e. T50 and T90, in years (D. C. Jordan, B. Marion, C. Deline, T. Barnes, and M. Bolinger, “PV field reliability status - Analysis of 100 000 solar systems,” Progress in Photovoltaics: Research and Applications, vol. n/a, no. n/a, Feb. 2020, doi: 10.1002/pip.3262.)

Material Baselines

Glass thickness data

The ITRPV Results Reports for 2010 and forward provided glass thickness data, and where report data was missing, reasonable assumptions or interpolations were made. See jupyter journal “Glass per M2 Calculations” for each year’s calculations, and SupportingMaterial Glass_FrontThickness_ITRPV and Module_Conformation_ITRPV files for extracted data (“ITRPV - VDMA.”