Source code for PV_ICE.main

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
""" contains the functions to calculate the different quantities of
materials in each step of the process. Reffer to the diagram on
Package-Overview for the steps considered.

Support functions include Weibull functions for reliability and failure; also,
functions to modify baseline values and evaluate sensitivity to the parameters.


import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import datetime
import os
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import itertools
from pathlib import Path

global DATA_PATH # path to data files including module.json.  Global context
DATA_PATH = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'baselines'))

def read_baseline_material(scenario, material='None', file=None):

    if file is None:
            file = _interactive_load('Select baseline file')
            raise Exception('Interactive load failed. Tkinter not supported' +
                            'on this system. Try installing X-Quartz and ' +

def _interactive_load(title=None):
    # Tkinter file picker
    import tkinter
    from tkinter import filedialog
    root = tkinter.Tk()
    root.withdraw()  # Start interactive file input
    root.attributes("-topmost", True)  # Bring window into foreground
    return filedialog.askopenfilename(parent=root, title=title)

def _readPVICEFile(file):

    csvdata = open(str(file), 'r', encoding="UTF-8")
    csvdata = open(str(file), 'r', encoding="UTF-8-sig")
    firstline = csvdata.readline()
    secondline = csvdata.readline()

    head = firstline.rstrip('\n').split(",")
    meta = dict(zip(head, secondline.rstrip('\n').split(",")))

    data = pd.read_csv(csvdata, names=head)
    data.loc[:, data.columns != 'year'] = data.loc[:, data.columns !=

    return data, meta

def _unitReferences(keyword):
    Specify units for variable in scenario or materials

    keyword : str
       String of scenario or material column label

    yunits : str
        Unit specific to the keyword provided

    moduleDictionary = {
        'year': {'unit': 'Years', 'source': 'input'},
        'new_Installed_Capacity_[MW]': {'unit': 'Power [MW]',
                                        'source': 'input'},
        'mod_eff': {'unit': 'Efficiency $\eta$ [%]',
                    'source': 'input'},
        'mod_reliability_t50': {'unit': 'Years',
                                'source': 'input'},
        'mod_reliability_t90': {'unit': 'Years',
                                'source': 'input'},
        'mod_degradation': {'unit': 'Percentage [%]',
                            'source': 'input'},
        'mod_lifetime': {'unit': 'Years',
                         'source': 'input'},
        'mod_MFG_eff': {'unit': 'Efficiency $\eta$ [%]',
                        'source': 'input'},
        'mod_EOL_collection_eff': {'unit': 'Efficiency $\eta$ [%]',
                                   'source': ' input'},
        'mod_EOL_collected_recycled': {'unit': 'Percentage [%]',
                                       'source': 'input'},
        'mod_Repair': {'unit': 'Percentage [%]',
                       'source': 'input'},
        'mod_MerchantTail': {'unit': 'Percentage [%]',
                             'source': 'input'},
        'mod_Reuse': {'unit': 'Percentage [%]',
                      'source': 'input'},
        'Area': {'unit': 'm$^2$',
                 'source': 'generated'},
        'Cumulative_Area_EOLby_Failure': {'unit': 'm$^2$',
                                               'source': 'generated'},
        'Cumulative_Area_EOLby_ProjectLifetime': {'unit': 'm$^2$',
                                                       'source': 'generated'},
        'Cumulative_Area_atEOL': {'unit': 'm$^2$', 'source': 'generated'},
        'Cumulative_Active_Area': {'unit': 'm$^2$', 'source': 'generated'},
        'Effective_Capacity_[W]': {'unit': 'Power [W]', 'source': 'generated'},
        'EOL_on_Year_0': {'unit': 'm$^2$', 'source': 'generated'},
        'EOL_on_Year_1': {'unit': 'm$^2$', 'source': 'generated'},
        'EOL_on_Year_2': {'unit': 'm$^2$', 'source': 'generated'},
        'EOL_on_Year_3': {'unit': 'm$^2$', 'source': 'generated'},
        'EOL_on_Year_4': {'unit': 'm$^2$', 'source': 'generated'},
        'EOL_on_Year_5': {'unit': 'm$^2$', 'source': 'generated'},
        'EOL_on_Year_6': {'unit': 'm$^2$', 'source': 'generated'},
        'EOL_on_Year_7': {'unit': 'm$^2$', 'source': 'generated'},
        'EOL_on_Year_8': {'unit': 'm$^2$', 'source': 'generated'},
        'EOL_on_Year_9': {'unit': 'm$^2$', 'source': 'generated'},
        'EOL_on_Year_10': {'unit': 'm$^2$', 'source': 'generated'},
        'EOL_on_Year_11': {'unit': 'm$^2$', 'source': 'generated'},
        'EOL_on_Year_12': {'unit': 'm$^2$', 'source': 'generated'},
        'EOL_on_Year_13': {'unit': 'm$^2$', 'source': 'generated'},
        'EOL_on_Year_14': {'unit': 'm$^2$', 'source': 'generated'},
        'EOL_on_Year_15': {'unit': 'm$^2$', 'source': 'generated'},
        'EOL_on_Year_16': {'unit': 'm$^2$', 'source': 'generated'},
        'EOL_on_Year_17': {'unit': 'm$^2$', 'source': 'generated'},
        'EOL_on_Year_18': {'unit': 'm$^2$', 'source': 'generated'},
        'EOL_on_Year_19': {'unit': 'm$^2$', 'source': 'generated'},
        'EOL_on_Year_20': {'unit': 'm$^2$', 'source': 'generated'},
        'EOL_on_Year_21': {'unit': 'm$^2$', 'source': 'generated'},
        'EOL_on_Year_22': {'unit': 'm$^2$', 'source': 'generated'},
        'EOL_on_Year_23': {'unit': 'm$^2$', 'source': 'generated'},
        'EOL_on_Year_24': {'unit': 'm$^2$', 'source': 'generated'},
        'EOL_on_Year_25': {'unit': 'm$^2$', 'source': 'generated'},
        'EOL_on_Year_26': {'unit': 'm$^2$', 'source': 'generated'},
        'EOL_on_Year_27': {'unit': 'm$^2$', 'source': 'generated'},
        'EOL_on_Year_28': {'unit': 'm$^2$', 'source': 'generated'},
        'EOL_on_Year_29': {'unit': 'm$^2$', 'source': 'generated'},
        'EOL_on_Year_30': {'unit': 'm$^2$', 'source': 'generated'},
        'EOL_on_Year_31': {'unit': 'm$^2$', 'source': 'generated'},
        'EOL_on_Year_32': {'unit': 'm$^2$', 'source': 'generated'},
        'EOL_on_Year_33': {'unit': 'm$^2$', 'source': 'generated'},
        'EOL_on_Year_34': {'unit': 'm$^2$', 'source': 'generated'},
        'EOL_on_Year_35': {'unit': 'm$^2$', 'source': 'generated'},
        'EOL_on_Year_36': {'unit': 'm$^2$', 'source': 'generated'},
        'EOL_on_Year_37': {'unit': 'm$^2$', 'source': 'generated'},
        'EOL_on_Year_38': {'unit': 'm$^2$', 'source': 'generated'},
        'EOL_on_Year_39': {'unit': 'm$^2$', 'source': 'generated'},
        'EOL_on_Year_40': {'unit': 'm$^2$', 'source': 'generated'},
        'EOL_on_Year_41': {'unit': 'm$^2$', 'source': 'generated'},
        'EOL_on_Year_42': {'unit': 'm$^2$', 'source': 'generated'},
        'EOL_on_Year_43': {'unit': 'm$^2$', 'source': 'generated'},
        'EOL_on_Year_44': {'unit': 'm$^2$', 'source': 'generated'},
        'EOL_on_Year_45': {'unit': 'm$^2$', 'source': 'generated'},
        'EOL_on_Year_46': {'unit': 'm$^2$', 'source': 'generated'},
        'EOL_on_Year_47': {'unit': 'm$^2$', 'source': 'generated'},
        'EOL_on_Year_48': {'unit': 'm$^2$', 'source': 'generated'},
        'EOL_on_Year_49': {'unit': 'm$^2$', 'source': 'generated'},
        'EOL_on_Year_50': {'unit': 'm$^2$', 'source': 'generated'},
        'EOL_on_Year_51': {'unit': 'm$^2$', 'source': 'generated'},
        'EOL_on_Year_52': {'unit': 'm$^2$', 'source': 'generated'},
        'EOL_on_Year_53': {'unit': 'm$^2$', 'source': 'generated'},
        'EOL_on_Year_54': {'unit': 'm$^2$', 'source': 'generated'},
        'EOL_on_Year_55': {'unit': 'm$^2$', 'source': 'generated'},
        'EOL_Collected': {'unit': 'm$^2$', 'source': 'generated'},
        'EOL_NotCollected': {'unit': 'm$^2$', 'source': 'generated'},
        'EOL_Recycled': {'unit': 'm$^2$', 'source': 'generated'},
        'EOL_NotRecycled_Landfilled': {'unit': 'm$^2$', 'source': 'generated'}

    materialDictionary = {
        'year': {'unit': 'Years', 'source': 'input'},
        'mat_virgin_eff': {'unit': 'Efficiency $\eta$ [%]', 'source': 'input'},
        'mat_massperm2': {'unit': 'Mass [g]', 'source': 'input'},
        'mat_MFG_eff': {'unit': 'Efficiency $\eta$ [%]', 'source': 'input'},
        'mat_MFG_scrap_recycled': {'unit': 'Percentage [%]',
                                   'source': 'input'},
        'mat_MFG_scrap_Recycled': {'unit': 'Efficiency $\eta$ [%]',
                                   'source': 'input'},
        'mat_MFG_scrap_Recycled_into_HQ': {'unit': 'Percentage [%]',
                                           'source': 'input'},
        'mat_MFG_scrap_Recycled_into_HQ_Reused4MFG': {'unit': 'Percentage [%]',
                                                      'source': 'input'},
        'mod_EOL_p5_recycled': {'unit': 'Percentage [%]', 'source': 'input'},
        'mat_EOL_Recycling_yield': {'unit': 'Efficiency $\eta$ [%]',
                                    'source': 'input'},
        'mat_EOL_Recycled_into_HQ': {'unit': 'Percentage [%]',
                                     'source': 'input'},
        'mat_EOL_RecycledHQ_Reused4MFG': {'unit': 'Percentage [%]',
                                          'source': 'input'},
        'mat_modules_NotRecycled': {'unit': 'Mass [g]',
                                    'source': 'generated'},
        'mat_modules_NotCollected': {'unit': 'Mass [g]',
                                     'source': 'generated'},
        'mat_EOL_sento_Recycling': {'unit': 'Mass [g]', 'source': 'generated'},
        'mat_EOL_NotRecycled_Landfilled': {'unit': 'Mass [g]',
                                           'source': 'generated'},
        'mat_EOL_Recycled': {'unit': 'Mass [g]', 'source': 'generated'},
        'mat_EOL_Recycled_Losses_Landfilled': {'unit': 'Mass [g]',
                                               'source': 'generated'},
        'mat_EOL_Recycled_2_HQ': {'unit': 'Mass [g]', 'source': 'generated'},
        'mat_EOL_Recycled_2_OQ': {'unit': 'Mass [g]', 'source': 'generated'},
        'mat_EOL_Recycled_HQ_into_MFG': {'unit': 'Mass [g]',
                                         'source': 'generated'},
        'mat_EOL_Recycled_HQ_into_OU': {'unit': 'Mass [g]',
                                        'source': 'generated'},
        'mat_UsedinManufacturing': {'unit': 'Mass [g]',
                                    'source': 'generated'},
        'mat_Manufacturing_Input': {'unit': 'Mass [g]',
                                    'source': 'generated'},
        'mat_MFG_Scrap': {'unit': 'Mass [g]', 'source': 'generated'},
        'mat_MFG_Scrap_Sentto_Recycling': {'unit': 'Mass [g]',
                                           'source': 'generated'},
        'mat_MFG_Scrap_Landfilled': {'unit': 'Mass [g]',
                                     'source': 'generated'},
        'mat_MFG_Scrap_Recycled_Successfully': {'unit': 'Mass [g]',
                                                'source': 'generated'},
        'mat_MFG_Scrap_Recycled_Losses_Landfilled': {'unit': 'Mass [g]',
                                                     'source': 'generated'},
        'mat_MFG_Recycled_into_HQ': {'unit': 'Mass [g]',
                                     'source': 'generated'},
        'mat_MFG_Recycled_into_OQ': {'unit': 'Mass [g]',
                                     'source': 'generated'},
        'mat_MFG_Recycled_HQ_into_MFG': {'unit': 'Mass [g]',
                                         'source': 'generated'},
        'mat_MFG_Recycled_HQ_into_OU': {'unit': 'Mass [g]',
                                        'source': 'generated'},
        'mat_Virgin_Stock': {'unit': 'Mass [g]', 'source': 'generated'},
        'mat_Total_EOL_Landfilled': {'unit': 'Mass [g]',
                                     'source': 'generated'},
        'mat_Total_MFG_Landfilled': {'unit': 'Mass [g]',
                                     'source': 'generated'},
        'mat_Total_Landfilled': {'unit': 'Mass [g]', 'source': 'generated'},
        'mat_Total_Recycled_OU': {'unit': 'Mass [g]', 'source': 'generated'},
        'Yearly_Sum_Area_EOLby_Failure': {'unit': 'Area [m$^2$]',
                                               'source': 'generated'}

    if keyword in moduleDictionary.keys():
        yunits = moduleDictionary[keyword]['unit']
    elif keyword in materialDictionary.keys():
        yunits = materialDictionary[keyword]['unit']
        print("Warning: Keyword / Units not Found")
        yunits = 'UNITS'

    return yunits

def distance(s_lat, s_lng, e_lat, e_lng):
    # Haversine formula for numpy arrays
    # Author: MalyutinS
    # imported from comment on:
    # Example:
    # s_lat = 45; s_lng = -110; e_lat=[33, 44]; e_lng = [-115, -140]
    # Returns distance from the source point  to the two ending points:
    # r = distance(s_lat, s_lng, e_lat, e_lng)
    # r = array([1402.24996689, 2369.0150434 ])

    # approximate radius of earth in km
    R = 6373.0

#    s_lat = s_lat*np.pi/180.0
    s_lat = np.deg2rad(s_lat)
    s_lng = np.deg2rad(s_lng)
    e_lat = np.deg2rad(e_lat)
    e_lng = np.deg2rad(e_lng)

    d = (np.sin((e_lat - s_lat)/2)**2 + np.cos(s_lat)*np.cos(e_lat) *
         np.sin((e_lng - s_lng)/2)**2)
    distance = 2 * R * np.arcsin(np.sqrt(d))

    return distance

def drivingdistance(origin, destination, APIkey):
    Creates call for google-maps api to get driving directions betwen 2 points.

    origin: array
        [lat, lon] expected
    destination: array
        [lat, lon] expected
    APYkey: str

    lat1, lon1 = origin
    lat2, lon2 = destination

    gm_url = ('' +
              'origin='+str(lat1) + ',' + str(lon1) +
              '&destination=' + str(lat2) + ','+str(lon2) +

    return gm_url

[docs]class Simulation: """ The ScenarioObj top level class is used to work on Circular Economy scenario objects, keep track of filenames, data for module and materials, operations modifying the baselines, etc. Parameters ---------- name : text to append to output files nowstr : current date/time string path : working directory with circular economy results Methods ------- __init__ : initialize the object _setPath : change the working directory """ def __init__(self, name=None, path=None, baselinepath=None): ''' initialize ScenarioObj with path of Scenario's baseline of module and materials as well as a basename to append to Parameters ---------- name: string, append temporary and output files with this value path: location of Radiance materials and objects Returns ------- none ''' self.path = "" # path of working directory = "" # basename to append now = self.nowstr = (str( + '_' + str(now.hour) + str(now.minute) + str(now.second)) if path is None: self._setPath(os.getcwd()) else: self._setPath(path) if name is None: = self.nowstr # set default filename for output files else: = name if baselinepath is None: self.baselinepath = DATA_PATH print("Baseline folder directed to default: ", DATA_PATH) else: self.baselinepath = baselinepath self.scenario = {} def pickle_Sim(self, filename=None): import pickle if filename is None: filename = + '.pkl' filename = os.path.join(self.path, filename) with open(filename, 'wb') as outp: # Overwrites any existing file pickle.dump(self, outp, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) def load_Simpickle(filename): import pickle return pickle.load(open(filename, "rb", -1)) def _setPath(self, path): """ setPath - move path and working directory """ self.path = os.path.abspath(path) print('path = ' + path) try: os.chdir(self.path) except OSError as exc: LOGGER.error('Path doesn''t exist: %s' % (path)) LOGGER.exception(exc) raise (exc) # check for path in the new Radiance directory: def _checkPath(path): # create the file structure if it doesn't exist if not os.path.exists(path): os.makedirs(path) print('Making path: '+path) _checkPath('raw') _checkPath('input') _checkPath('output') _checkPath('figures') def createScenario(self, name, massmodulefile=None, energymodulefile=None, file=None): import re if file is not None: print("Please use massmodulefile or energymodulefile as inputs " + " to this function.") return if massmodulefile is None: files = [f for f in os.listdir(DATA_PATH) if re.match( r'baseline_modules_mass', f)] print("Please pass one of the following options: ", files) return elif os.path.isfile(massmodulefile) is False: if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(self.baselinepath, massmodulefile)): massmodulefile = os.path.join(self.baselinepath, massmodulefile) else: print('File not found, check path to folder if passed is ' + 'correct or that baseline folder is correct', massmodulefile) return if energymodulefile is None: files = [f for f in os.listdir(DATA_PATH) if re.match( r'baseline_modules_energy', f)] print("No energy module file passed. If desired, pass one of the" + " following options: ", files) elif os.path.isfile(energymodulefile) is False: if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(self.baselinepath, energymodulefile)): energymodulefile = os.path.join(self.baselinepath, energymodulefile) else: print('File not found, check path to folder if passed is ' + 'correct or that baseline folder is correct', energymodulefile) return self.scenario[name] = Scenario(name, file=file, massmodulefile=massmodulefile, energymodulefile=energymodulefile) def modifyScenario(self, scenarios, stage, value, start_year=None): if start_year is None: start_year = int( if scenarios is None: scenarios = list(self.scenario.keys()) else: if isinstance(scenarios, str): scenarios = [scenarios] selectyears = self.scenario[scenarios[0]].dataIn_m['year'] >= start_year if isinstance(value, (pd.Series)): for scen in scenarios: timeshift = start_year - self.scenario[scen].dataIn_m.iloc[0,0] self.scenario[scen].dataIn_m.loc[timeshift:, stage] = value.values else: for scen in scenarios: self.scenario[scen].dataIn_m.loc[selectyears, stage] = value def saveSimulation(self, scenarios=None, materials=None, customname=None, overwrite=True): if customname is None: customname = '' if scenarios is None: scenarios = list(self.scenario.keys()) else: if isinstance(scenarios, str): scenarios = [scenarios] if materials is None: materials = list(self.scenario[scenarios[0]].material.keys()) else: if isinstance(materials, str): materials = [materials] def _existsandSavequestionmark(attribute, savefolder, customname, overwrite, scen, mat=None, metattribute=None): if mat is None: titlecsv = scen + '_' + attribute + customname + '.csv' pviceobj = self.scenario[scen] else: titlecsv = scen + '_' + mat + '_' + attribute + customname + '.csv' pviceobj = self.scenario[scen].material[mat] filefullpath = os.path.join(savefolder, titlecsv) if (os.path.isfile(filefullpath)) and (overwrite is False): print(filefullpath + " exists and set to not overwrite, skipping.") else: if hasattr(pviceobj, attribute): dffoo = getattr(pviceobj, attribute) if metattribute is not None: if hasattr(pviceobj, metattribute): mydict = getattr(pviceobj, metattribute) metdata = pd.DataFrame(mydict, index=[0]) dffoo = pd.concat([metdata, dffoo], axis=0) dffoo.to_csv(os.path.join(savefolder, titlecsv)) # dffoo.to_csv(os.path.join(savefolder, titlecsv), index_col=False) for scen in scenarios: _existsandSavequestionmark('dataIn_m', 'input', customname, overwrite, scen, mat=None, metattribute='metdataIn_m') _existsandSavequestionmark('dataIn_e', 'input', customname, overwrite, scen, mat=None, metattribute='metdataIn_e') _existsandSavequestionmark('dataOut_m', 'output', customname, overwrite, scen) _existsandSavequestionmark('dataOut_e', 'output', customname, overwrite, scen) _existsandSavequestionmark('dataDebug_m', 'output', customname, overwrite, scen) for mat in materials: _existsandSavequestionmark('matdataIn_m', 'input', customname, overwrite, scen, mat, metattribute='matmetdataIn_m') _existsandSavequestionmark('matdataIn_e', 'input', customname, overwrite, scen, mat, metattribute='matmetdataIn_e') _existsandSavequestionmark('matdataOut_m', 'output', customname, overwrite, scen, mat) _existsandSavequestionmark('matdataOut_e', 'output', customname, overwrite, scen, mat) print(":) Saved Input and Output Dataframes") def modifyScenarioEnergy(self, scenarios, stage, value, start_year=None): if start_year is None: start_year = int( if scenarios is None: scenarios = list(self.scenario.keys()) else: if isinstance(scenarios, str): scenarios = [scenarios] selectyears = self.scenario[scenarios[0]].dataIn_e['year'] >= start_year if isinstance(value, (pd.Series)): for scen in scenarios: timeshift = start_year - self.scenario[scen].dataIn_e.iloc[0,0] self.scenario[scen].dataIn_e.loc[timeshift:, stage] = value.values else: for scen in scenarios: self.scenario[scen].dataIn_e.loc[selectyears, stage] = value def calculateFlows(self, scenarios=None, materials=None, weibullInputParams=None, bifacialityfactors=None, reducecapacity=True, debugflag=False, installByArea=None, nameplatedeglimit=None): # #create a check that the start year on mass and energy files are the same # for scen in scenarios: # mod_m_startyear = self.scenario[scen].dataIn_m.iloc[0,0] # mod_e_startyear = self.scenario[scen].dataIn_e.iloc[0,0] # if mod_m_startyear != mod_e_startyear: # print('The start year of mass and energy files do not match, please fix! Mass: '+str(mod_m_startyear)+' Energy: '+str(mod_e_startyear)) # return # for mat in materials: # if self.scenario[scen].material[mat].matdataIn_m.iloc[0,0] != self.scenario[scen].material[mat].matdataIn_e.iloc[0,0]: # print('The start year of '+str(mat)+' mass and energy files do not match, please fix!') # return # if self.scenario[scen].material[mat].matdataIn_m.iloc[0,0] != mod_m_startyear: # print('Start year of '+str(mat)+' mass file does not match module start year, please fix!') # return self.calculateMassFlow(scenarios=scenarios, materials=materials, weibullInputParams=weibullInputParams, bifacialityfactors=bifacialityfactors, reducecapacity=reducecapacity, debugflag=debugflag, installByArea=installByArea, nameplatedeglimit=nameplatedeglimit) self.calculateEnergyFlow(scenarios=scenarios, materials=materials) #self.calculateCarbonFlows(scenarios=scenarios,materials=materials) def calculateMassFlow(self, scenarios=None, materials=None, weibullInputParams=None, bifacialityfactors=None, reducecapacity=False, debugflag=False, installByArea=None, nameplatedeglimit=None, secondlifenameplatedeglimit = None): ''' Function takes as input a baseline dataframe already imported, with the right number of columns and content. It returns the dataframe with all the added calculation columns. Parameters ------------ weibullInputParams : None Dictionary with 'alpha' and 'beta' value for shaping the weibull curve. beta is sometimes exchanged with lifetime, for example on Irena 2016 values beta = 30. If weibullInputParams = None, alfa and beta are calcualted from the t50 and t90 columns on the module baseline. scenarios : None string with the scenario name or list of strings with scenarios names to loop over. Must exist on the PV ICE object. materials : None string with the material name or list of strings with the materials names to loop over. Must exists on the PV ICE object scenario(s) modeled. bifacialityfactors : str File with bifacialtiy factors for each year under consideration installByArea : list floats When deploying each generation, it overrides using `new_Installed_Capacity_[MW]` to calculate deployed area, and installs this area instead calculating the installed capacity based on the module characteristics (efficiency and bifaciality factor). Length must match the years in the loaded dataframes. nameplatedeglimit : float Limit at which if the nameplate power is below they will be trashed. i.e. 0.8 default. secondlifenameplatedeglimit : float Limit at which if the nameplate power is below at their second life, the modules will be trashed. i.e. 0.5 default. Returns -------- df: dataframe input dataframe with addeds columns for the calculations of recycled, collected, waste, installed area, etc. ''' if scenarios is None: scenarios = list(self.scenario.keys()) else: if isinstance(scenarios, str): scenarios = [scenarios] if nameplatedeglimit is None: nameplatedeglimit = 0.8 if secondlifenameplatedeglimit is None: secondlifenameplatedeglimit = 0.5 print(">>>> Calculating Material Flows <<<<\n") for scen in scenarios: print("Working on Scenario: ", scen) print("********************") df = self.scenario[scen].dataIn_m.copy() initialCols = df.keys() # Constant if bifacialityfactors is not None: bf = pd.read_csv(bifacialityfactors) df['irradiance_stc'] = 1000.0 + bf['bifi']*100.0 # W/m^2 (min. Bifacial STC Increase) else: df['irradiance_stc'] = 1000.0 # W/m^2 # Renaming and re-scaling df['t50'] = df['mod_reliability_t50'] df['t90'] = df['mod_reliability_t90'] # Calculating Area and Mass # Method to pass mass instead of calculating by Power to Area if 'Mass_[MetricTonnes]' in df: df['new_Installed_Capacity_[W]'] = 0 df['new_Installed_Capacity_[MW]'] = 0 df['Area'] = df['Mass_[MetricTonnes]'] print("Warning, this is for special debuging of Wambach " + "procedure. Make sure to use `Wambach Module`") # Method to pass Area to then calculate Power elif installByArea is not None: df['Area'] = installByArea df['new_Installed_Capacity_[W]'] = ((df['mod_eff']*0.01) * df['irradiance_stc'] * df['Area']) # W df['new_Installed_Capacity_[MW]'] = ( df['new_Installed_Capacity_[W]']/1000000) print("Calculating installed capacity based on installed Area") # Standard method to calculate Area from the Power else: df['new_Installed_Capacity_[W]'] = ( df['new_Installed_Capacity_[MW]']*1e6) if reducecapacity: df['Area'] = (df['new_Installed_Capacity_[W]'] / (df['mod_eff']*0.01)/df['irradiance_stc']) # m^2 else: df['Area'] = (df['new_Installed_Capacity_[W]'] / (df['mod_eff']*0.01)/1000.0) # m^2 df['Area'] = df['Area'].fillna(0) # Chagne na's to 0s. # Calculating Wast by Generation by Year, and Cum. Waste by Year. Generation_EOL_pathsG = [] Matrix_Landfilled_noncollected = [] Matrix_areaEOL_degradation_all = [] Matrix_Failures = [] weibullParamList = [] df['Yearly_Sum_Area_EOLby_Failure'] = 0 df['Yearly_Sum_Power_EOLby_Failure'] = 0 df['Yearly_Sum_Area_EOLby_Degradation'] = 0 df['Yearly_Sum_Power_EOLby_Degradation'] = 0 df['Yearly_Sum_Area_EOLby_ProjectLifetime'] = 0 df['Yearly_Sum_Power_EOLby_ProjectLifetime'] = 0 df['Yearly_Sum_Area_atEOL'] = 0 # Failure + Degradation + ProjcLife df['Yearly_Sum_Power_atEOL'] = 0 df['Yearly_Sum_Area_PathsBad'] = 0 # should be degradation, failures not fixed df['Yearly_Sum_Power_PathsBad'] = 0 df['Yearly_Sum_Area_PathsGood'] = 0 # should be proj lifetimes df['Yearly_Sum_Power_PathsGood'] = 0 df['Landfill_0_ProjLife'] = 0 # non collected df['Repaired_Area'] = 0 df['Repaired_[W]'] = 0 df['Resold_Area'] = 0 df['Resold_[W]'] = 0 df['MerchantTail_Area'] = 0 df['MerchantTail_[W]'] = 0 df['Cumulative_Active_Area'] = 0 # Effective installed area df['Effective_Capacity_[W]'] = 0 # Effective installed capacity # i.e installed - degrad - fails - eol PL .. df['Power_Degraded_[W]'] = 0 # The way it is calculated it is # 'cumulative' or relative from the nameplate # to each year. for generation, row in df.iterrows(): # generation is an int 0,1,2,.... etc. # generation=4 # row=df.iloc[generation] if weibullInputParams: weibullIParams = weibullInputParams elif 'weibull_alpha' in row: # "Weibull Input Params passed internally as a column" weibullIParams = {'alpha': row['weibull_alpha'], 'beta': row['weibull_beta']} else: # "Calculating Weibull Params from Modules t50 and T90" t50, t90 = row['t50'], row['t90'] weibullIParams = weibull_params({t50: 0.50, t90: 0.90}) f = weibull_cdf(weibullIParams['alpha'], weibullIParams['beta']) weibullParamList.append(weibullIParams) x = np.clip(df.index - generation, 0, np.inf) cdf = list(map(f, x)) # TODO: Check this line, does it need commas or remove space # for linting? pdf = [0] + [j - i for i, j in zip(cdf[:-1], cdf[1:])] activearea = row['Area'] if np.isnan(activearea): activearea = 0 activeareacount = [] activepowercount = [] # Active area production. areaEOL_failure_notrepaired_all = [] powerEOL_failure_notrepaired_all = [] areaEOL_ProjLife_all = [] powerEOL_ProjLife_all = [] area_repaired_all = [] power_repaired_all = [] area_resold_all = [] power_resold_all = [] area_merchantTail_all = [] power_merchantTail_all = [] areaEOL_degradation_all = [] powerEOL_degradation_all = [] areaEOL_ProjLife_collected_PG_3to5_all = [] powerEOL_ProjLife_collected_PG_3to5_all = [] areaEOL_ProjLife_notcollected_L0_all = [] powerEOL_ProjLife_notcollected_L0_all = [] power_degraded_all = [] # Age 0, nothing dies <3 active = 0 secondlife = False for age in range(len(cdf)): if x[age] == 0.0: activeareacount.append(0) activepowercount.append(0) areaEOL_failure_notrepaired_all.append(0) powerEOL_failure_notrepaired_all.append(0) areaEOL_ProjLife_all.append(0) powerEOL_ProjLife_all.append(0) area_resold_all.append(0) power_resold_all.append(0) area_merchantTail_all.append(0) power_merchantTail_all.append(0) areaEOL_degradation_all.append(0) powerEOL_degradation_all.append(0) area_repaired_all.append(0) power_repaired_all.append(0) areaEOL_ProjLife_collected_PG_3to5_all.append(0) powerEOL_ProjLife_collected_PG_3to5_all.append(0) areaEOL_ProjLife_notcollected_L0_all.append(0) powerEOL_ProjLife_notcollected_L0_all.append(0) power_degraded_all.append(0) else: active += 1 removed_projectlifetime = 0 landfilled_noncollected = 0 deg_nameplate = (1-row['mod_degradation']*0.01)**active poweragegen = (row['mod_eff'] * 0.01 * row['irradiance_stc']*deg_nameplate) powerinitgen = row['mod_eff'] * 0.01 * row['irradiance_stc'] # 1. Check if remaining cohort has degraded power_degradaded = activearea * (powerinitgen - poweragegen) if secondlife: nameplatedeglimiteval = secondlifenameplatedeglimit else: nameplatedeglimiteval = nameplatedeglimit if deg_nameplate < nameplatedeglimiteval: # TODO check this! killing and not sending # to EOL collection paths, areaEOL_degradation = activearea powerEOL_degradation = ( areaEOL_degradation * poweragegen) # Reduntant as it is performed in the MATRIX later on PBD ''' areaEOL_degradation_collected = ( areaEOL_degradation * (df.iloc[age]['mod_EOL_collection_eff'] * 0.01)) powerEOL_degradation_collected = areaEOL_degradation_collected * poweragegen areaEOL_Deg_notcollected_L0 = areaEOL_degradation - areaEOL_degradation_collected powerEOL_Deg_notcollected_L0 = areaEOL_Deg_notcollected_L0*poweragegen ''' activearea = 0 else: areaEOL_degradation = 0 powerEOL_degradation = 0 #areaEOL_degradation_collected = 0 #powerEOL_degradation_collected = 0 #areaEOL_Deg_notcollected_L0 = 0 #powerEOL_Deg_notcollected_L0 = 0 # 3. EoL Project Lifetime if age != int(row['mod_lifetime']+generation): #removed_projectlifetime = 0 #landfilled_noncollected = 0 area_merchantTail = 0 power_merchantTail = 0 area_resold = 0 power_resold = 0 areaEOL_ProjLife_notcollected_L0 = 0 powerEOL_ProjLife_notcollected_L0 = 0 areaEOL_ProjLife_collected_PG_3to5 = 0 powerEOL_ProjLife_collected_PG_3to5 = 0 areaEOL_ProjLife = 0 powerEOL_ProjLife = 0 else: # activearea_temp = activearea area_merchantTail = ( activearea * (df.iloc[age]['mod_MerchantTail']*0.01)) power_merchantTail = area_merchantTail*poweragegen if area_merchantTail > 0: secondlife = True # internal - removed_projectlifetime area_removed_projectlifetime = (activearea - area_merchantTail) # internal - area_removed_collected (pre-resold) area_ProjLife_collected = ( area_removed_projectlifetime * (df.iloc[age]['mod_EOL_collection_eff'] * 0.01)) areaEOL_ProjLife_notcollected_L0 = ( area_removed_projectlifetime-area_ProjLife_collected) powerEOL_ProjLife_notcollected_L0 = areaEOL_ProjLife_notcollected_L0 * poweragegen area_resold = ( area_ProjLife_collected * (df.iloc[age]['mod_EOL_pg0_resell']*0.01)) power_resold = area_resold*poweragegen areaEOL_ProjLife_collected_PG_3to5 = ( area_ProjLife_collected - area_resold) powerEOL_ProjLife_collected_PG_3to5 = ( areaEOL_ProjLife_collected_PG_3to5 * poweragegen) activearea = area_merchantTail + area_resold # removed_projectlifetime does not include # Merchant Tail & Resold as they went back to # active areaEOL_ProjLife = (areaEOL_ProjLife_collected_PG_3to5 + areaEOL_ProjLife_notcollected_L0) # Same as removed_ProjLife - area_Resold powerEOL_ProjLife = ( areaEOL_ProjLife*poweragegen) # 2. Calculate failures activeareaprev = activearea failures = row['Area']*pdf[age] if failures > activearea: failures = activearea area_repaired = (failures * df.iloc[age]['mod_Repair']*0.01) power_repaired = area_repaired*poweragegen areaEOL_Failures_notrepaired = failures-area_repaired powerEOL_Failures_notrepaired = areaEOL_Failures_notrepaired*poweragegen activearea = activeareaprev-areaEOL_Failures_notrepaired # Start appending the yearly age values power_degraded_all.append(power_degradaded) areaEOL_degradation_all.append(areaEOL_degradation) powerEOL_degradation_all.append(powerEOL_degradation) area_repaired_all.append(area_repaired) power_repaired_all.append(power_repaired) areaEOL_failure_notrepaired_all.append(areaEOL_Failures_notrepaired) powerEOL_failure_notrepaired_all.append(powerEOL_Failures_notrepaired) area_merchantTail_all.append(area_merchantTail) power_merchantTail_all.append(power_merchantTail) area_resold_all.append(area_resold) power_resold_all.append(power_resold) # has collected and non collected # but not merchant tailed and resold areaEOL_ProjLife_all.append(areaEOL_ProjLife) powerEOL_ProjLife_all.append(powerEOL_ProjLife) # noncollected from project lifetime ((only one that had to be # collected internally for calculating the resold. # Failures and degradation collection get calculated # later on the matrixes directly)) areaEOL_ProjLife_notcollected_L0_all.append(areaEOL_ProjLife_notcollected_L0) powerEOL_ProjLife_notcollected_L0_all.append(powerEOL_ProjLife_notcollected_L0) # Collected for Path Goods areaEOL_ProjLife_collected_PG_3to5_all.append(areaEOL_ProjLife_collected_PG_3to5) powerEOL_ProjLife_collected_PG_3to5_all.append(powerEOL_ProjLife_collected_PG_3to5) activeareacount.append(activearea) activepowercount.append(activearea*poweragegen) # Generation age loop ends # !! Unelegantly Correcting Initial Years try: # becuase the clip starts with 0 for the installation year, # dentifying installation year and adding initial area fixinitialareacount = next((i for i, e in enumerate(x) if e), None) - 1 activeareacount[fixinitialareacount] = ( activeareacount[fixinitialareacount]+row['Area']) activepowercount[fixinitialareacount] = ( activepowercount[fixinitialareacount] + row['Area'] * row['mod_eff'] * 0.01 * row['irradiance_stc']) # TODO: note mentioned 'this addition seems to do nothing.' # Check who /when wrote this and if theres need to fix. except: # Last value doesnt have a xclip value of nonzero so it # gives except. But it also means the loop finished for # the calculations of Lifetime. fixinitialareacount = len(cdf)-1 activeareacount[fixinitialareacount] = ( activeareacount[fixinitialareacount]+row['Area']) activepowercount[fixinitialareacount] = ( activepowercount[fixinitialareacount] + row['Area'] * row['mod_eff'] * 0.01 * row['irradiance_stc']) print("Finished Area+Power Generation Calculations") # area_disposed_of_generation_by_year = [element*row['Area'] # for element in pdf] # This used to be labeled as cumulative; but in the sense that # they cumulate yearly deaths for all cohorts that die. df['Yearly_Sum_Area_EOLby_Degradation'] += ( areaEOL_degradation_all) df['Yearly_Sum_Power_EOLby_Degradation'] += ( powerEOL_degradation_all) df['Power_Degraded_[W]'] += power_degraded_all df['Yearly_Sum_Area_EOLby_Failure'] += ( areaEOL_failure_notrepaired_all) df['Yearly_Sum_Power_EOLby_Failure'] += ( powerEOL_failure_notrepaired_all) df['Yearly_Sum_Area_EOLby_ProjectLifetime'] += ( areaEOL_ProjLife_all) df['Yearly_Sum_Power_EOLby_ProjectLifetime'] += ( powerEOL_ProjLife_all) df['Yearly_Sum_Area_atEOL'] += areaEOL_failure_notrepaired_all df['Yearly_Sum_Area_atEOL'] += areaEOL_ProjLife_all df['Yearly_Sum_Area_atEOL'] += areaEOL_degradation_all df['Yearly_Sum_Power_atEOL'] += powerEOL_failure_notrepaired_all df['Yearly_Sum_Power_atEOL'] += ( powerEOL_ProjLife_all) df['Repaired_Area'] += area_repaired_all df['Repaired_[W]'] += power_repaired_all df['Resold_Area'] += area_resold_all df['Resold_[W]'] += power_resold_all df['MerchantTail_Area'] += area_merchantTail_all df['MerchantTail_[W]'] += power_merchantTail_all df['Yearly_Sum_Area_PathsBad'] += areaEOL_degradation_all df['Yearly_Sum_Power_PathsBad'] += powerEOL_degradation_all df['Yearly_Sum_Area_PathsBad'] += areaEOL_failure_notrepaired_all df['Yearly_Sum_Power_PathsBad'] += powerEOL_failure_notrepaired_all df['Yearly_Sum_Area_PathsGood'] += areaEOL_ProjLife_collected_PG_3to5_all df['Yearly_Sum_Power_PathsGood'] += powerEOL_ProjLife_collected_PG_3to5_all df['Cumulative_Active_Area'] += activeareacount df['Effective_Capacity_[W]'] += activepowercount df['Landfill_0_ProjLife'] += areaEOL_ProjLife_notcollected_L0_all # MATRIXES: Generation_EOL_pathsG.append(areaEOL_ProjLife_collected_PG_3to5_all) Matrix_Landfilled_noncollected.append( areaEOL_ProjLife_notcollected_L0_all) Matrix_areaEOL_degradation_all.append(areaEOL_degradation_all) Matrix_Failures.append(areaEOL_failure_notrepaired_all) df['WeibullParams'] = weibullParamList # Cleanup of old calculations. Needed when you run twice function. try: df = df[df.columns.drop(list(df.filter(regex='^EOL_')))] except: print("Warning: Issue dropping EOL columns generated by " "calculateMFC routine to overwrite") PG = pd.DataFrame(Generation_EOL_pathsG, columns=df.index, index=df.index) L0 = pd.DataFrame(Matrix_Landfilled_noncollected, columns=df.index, index=df.index) PBD = pd.DataFrame(Matrix_areaEOL_degradation_all, columns=df.index, index=df.index) PBF = pd.DataFrame(Matrix_Failures, columns=df.index, index=df.index) # Path Bad includes Path Bad from Project Lifetime and adding now # the path bads from Failures atEOL (not repaired) PB = PBD + PBF # Updating Path Bad for collection efficiency. PBC = PB.mul(df['mod_EOL_collection_eff'].values*0.01) PBNC = PB - PBC # What doesn't get collected of Path Bad, goes to Landfill 0. L0 = L0 + PBNC # What goes on forward to Path Bads EoL Pathways is PBC. df = df.join(PG.add_prefix("EOL_PG_Year_")) df = df.join(L0.add_prefix("EOL_L0_Year_")) df = df.join(PBC.add_prefix("EOL_BS_Year")) df['EOL_Landfill0'] = L0.sum(axis=0) df['EOL_BadStatus'] = PBC.sum(axis=0) df['EOL_PG'] = PG.sum(axis=0) df['EOL_PATHS'] = (PBC+PG).sum(axis=0) # # Start to do EOL Processes PATHS GOOD ####################################### # This Multiplication goes through Module and then material. # It is for processes that depend on each year as they improve, # i.e. Collection Efficiency, # # [ G1_1 G1_2 G1_3 G2_4 ...] [N1 # [ 0 G2_1 G2_2 G2_3 ...] X N2 # [ 0 0 G3_1 G3_2 ...] N3 # N4] # # EQUAL # EOL_Collected = # [ G1_1*N1 G1_2 *N2 G1_3 *N3 G2_4 *N4 ...] # [ 0 G2_1 *N2 G2_2 *N3 G2_3 *N4 ...] # [ 0 0 G3_1 *N3 G3_2 *N4 ...] # # Re-scaling Path Good Matrix, becuase Resold modules already got # resold in the cohort loop above. # 'originalMatrix' = reducedMatrix x 100 / (100-p2) PG = PG.mul(100/(100-df['mod_EOL_pg0_resell']), axis=0) # Paths GOOD Check for 100% sum. # If P1-P5 over 100% will reduce landfill. # If P2-P5 over 100% it will shut down with Warning and Exit. #TODO: add check for less than 100%, adjust landfill SUMS1 = (df['mod_EOL_pg1_landfill'] + df['mod_EOL_pg0_resell'] + df['mod_EOL_pg2_stored'] + df['mod_EOL_pg3_reMFG'] + df['mod_EOL_pg4_recycled']) SUMS2 = (df['mod_EOL_pg0_resell'] + df['mod_EOL_pg2_stored'] + df['mod_EOL_pg3_reMFG'] + df['mod_EOL_pg4_recycled']) if (SUMS2 > 100).any(): print("WARNING: Paths 0 through 4 should add to a 100%." + " and there is no way to correct by updating " + " path1_landfill. " + " STOPPING SIMULATION NOW GO AND FIX YOUR INPUT. Tx <3") return if (SUMS1 > 100).any(): print("Warning: Paths 0 through 4 add to above 100%;" + "Fixing by Updating Landfill value to the remainder of" + "100-(P0+P2+P3+P4).") df['mod_EOL_pg1_landfill'] = 100-SUMS2 # PATH1 PG1_landfill = PG.mul(df['mod_EOL_pg1_landfill'].values*0.01) df['PG1_landfill'] = list(PG1_landfill.sum()) # PATH2 PG2_stored = PG.mul(df['mod_EOL_pg2_stored'].values*0.01) df['PG2_stored'] = list(PG2_stored.sum()) # TODO: Future development of Stored path here. # PATH3 # TODO: evaluate if PG3_reMFG, PG3_reMFG_yield and # PG3_reMFG_unyield are given as output and if not are needed. # Also for BAD PATHS PB3_reMFG, PB3_reMFG_yield, PB3_reMFG_unyield PG3_reMFG = PG.mul(df['mod_EOL_pg3_reMFG'].values*0.01) df['PG3_reMFG'] = list(PG3_reMFG.sum()) PG3_reMFG_yield = PG3_reMFG.mul( df['mod_EOL_reMFG_yield'].values*0.01) df['PG3_reMFG_yield'] = list(PG3_reMFG_yield.sum()) PG3_reMFG_unyield = PG3_reMFG-PG3_reMFG_yield df['PG3_reMFG_unyield'] = list(PG3_reMFG_unyield.sum()) # PATH 4 PG4_recycled = PG.mul(df['mod_EOL_pg4_recycled'].values*0.01) df['PG4_recycled'] = list(PG4_recycled.sum()) # PATH BADS: # ~~~~~~~~~~~ # Check for 100% sum. # If P1-P5 over 100% will reduce landfill. # If P2-P5 over 100% it will shut down with Warning and Exit. SUMS1 = (df['mod_EOL_pb1_landfill'] + df['mod_EOL_pb2_stored'] + df['mod_EOL_pb3_reMFG'] + df['mod_EOL_pb4_recycled']) SUMS2 = (df['mod_EOL_pb2_stored'] + df['mod_EOL_pb3_reMFG'] + df['mod_EOL_pb4_recycled']) if (SUMS2 > 100).any(): print("WARNING: Paths B 1 through 4 should add to a 100%." + " and there is no way to correct by updating " + " path1_landfill. " + " STOPPING SIMULATION NOW GO AND FIX YOUR INPUT. Tx <3") return if (SUMS1 > 100).any(): print("Warning: Paths B 1 through 4 add to above 100%;" + "Fixing by Updating Landfill value to the remainder of" + "100-(P2+P3+P4).") df['mod_EOL_pb1_landfill'] = 100-SUMS2 # PATH1 PB1_landfill = PBC.mul(df['mod_EOL_pb1_landfill'].values*0.01) df['PB1_landfill'] = list(PB1_landfill.sum()) # PATH2 PB2_stored = PBC.mul(df['mod_EOL_pg2_stored'].values*0.01) df['PB2_stored'] = list(PB2_stored.sum()) # TODO: Future development of Stored path here. # PATH3 PB3_reMFG = PBC.mul(df['mod_EOL_pb3_reMFG'].values*0.01) df['PB3_reMFG'] = list(PB3_reMFG.sum()) PB3_reMFG_yield = PB3_reMFG.mul( df['mod_EOL_reMFG_yield'].values*0.01) df['PB3_reMFG_yield'] = list(PB3_reMFG_yield.sum()) PB3_reMFG_unyield = PB3_reMFG-PB3_reMFG_yield df['PB3_reMFG_unyield'] = list(PB3_reMFG_unyield.sum()) # PATH 4 PB4_recycled = PBC.mul(df['mod_EOL_pb4_recycled'].values*0.01) df['PB4_recycled'] = list(PB4_recycled.sum()) # ADD Matrices now for path goods and bads, becuase we don't need # to distinguish on the source of the material stream. P1_landfill = PG1_landfill + PB1_landfill P2_stored = PG2_stored + PB2_stored P3_reMFG_yield = PG3_reMFG_yield + PB3_reMFG_yield P3_reMFG_unyield = PG3_reMFG_unyield + PB3_reMFG_unyield df['P2_stored'] = list(P2_stored.sum()) df['P3_reMFG'] = list((P3_reMFG_yield+P3_reMFG_unyield).sum()) P4_recycled = PG4_recycled + PB4_recycled df['P4_recycled'] = list(P4_recycled.sum()) # Cleanup of internal renaming and internal use columns df.drop(['new_Installed_Capacity_[W]', 't50', 't90'], axis=1, inplace=True) # Printout ref. of how much more module area is being manufactured. # The manufactured efficiency is calculated on more detail on the # material loop below for hte mass. df['ModuleTotal_MFG'] = df['Area']*100/df['mod_MFG_eff'] ################ # Material Loop# ################ if materials is None: materials = list(self.scenario[scenarios[0]].material.keys()) else: if isinstance(materials, str): materials = [materials] for mat in materials: print("==> Working on Material : ", mat) dm = self.scenario[scen].material[mat].matdataIn_m.copy() initialColsMat = dm.keys() # SWITCH TO MASS UNITS FOR THE MATERILA NOW: # THIS IS DIFFERENT MULTIPLICATION THAN THE REST # BECAUSE IT DEPENDS TO THE ORIGINAL MASS OF EACH MODULE # WHEN INSTALLED # [M1 * [ G1_1 G1_2 G1_3 G2_4 ...] # M2 [ 0 G2_1 G2_2 G2_3 ...] # M3] [ 0 0 G3_1 G3_2 ...] # # EQUAL # mat_EOL_sentoRecycling = # [ G1_1*M1 G1_2*M1 G1_3*M1 G2_4*M1 ...] # [ 0 G2_1*M2 G2_2*M2 G2_3*M2 ...] # [ 0 0 G3_1*M3 G3_2*M3 ...] # dm['mat_L0'] = list(L0.multiply(dm['mat_massperm2'], axis=0).sum()) dm['mat_PG2_stored'] = list(P2_stored.multiply(dm['mat_massperm2'],axis=0).sum()) dm['mat_L1'] = list(P1_landfill.multiply(dm['mat_massperm2'], axis=0).sum()) # PATH 3 mat_reMFG = P3_reMFG_yield.multiply(dm['mat_massperm2'],axis=0) mat_reMFG_mod_unyield = P3_reMFG_unyield.multiply(dm['mat_massperm2'],axis=0) dm['mat_reMFG'] = list(mat_reMFG.sum()) dm['mat_reMFG_mod_unyield'] = list(mat_reMFG_mod_unyield.sum()) dm['mat_reMFG_target'] = dm['mat_reMFG'] * dm['mat_PG3_ReMFG_target'] * 0.01 dm['mat_reMFG_untarget'] = dm['mat_reMFG']-dm['mat_reMFG_target'] dm['mat_reMFG_yield'] = dm['mat_reMFG_target'] * dm['mat_ReMFG_yield'] * 0.01 dm['mat_reMFG_unyield'] = dm['mat_reMFG_target'] - dm['mat_reMFG_yield'] # SUBPATH 1: ReMFG to Recycling dm['mat_reMFG_all_unyields'] = dm['mat_reMFG_mod_unyield'] + dm['mat_reMFG_untarget'] + dm['mat_reMFG_unyield'] dm['mat_reMFG_2_recycle'] = dm['mat_reMFG_all_unyields'] * df['mod_EOL_sp_reMFG_recycle'] * 0.01 dm['mat_L2'] = dm['mat_reMFG_all_unyields']-dm['mat_reMFG_2_recycle'] # PATH 4 mat_recycled = P4_recycled.multiply(dm['mat_massperm2'],axis=0) dm['mat_recycled_PG4'] = list(mat_recycled.sum()) dm['mat_recycled_all'] = dm['mat_recycled_PG4'] + dm['mat_reMFG_2_recycle'] dm['mat_recycled_target'] = dm['mat_recycled_all'] * dm['mat_PG4_Recycling_target'] * 0.01 dm['mat_L3'] = dm['mat_recycled_all'] - dm['mat_recycled_target'] # material un-target dm['mat_recycled_yield'] = dm['mat_recycled_target'] * dm['mat_Recycling_yield'] * 0.01 dm['mat_L4'] = dm['mat_recycled_target'] - dm['mat_recycled_yield'] # material un-target # HQ and OQ reycling paths: dm['mat_EOL_Recycled_2_HQ'] = dm['mat_recycled_yield'] * dm['mat_EOL_Recycled_into_HQ'] * 0.01 dm['mat_EOL_Recycled_2_OQ'] = dm['mat_recycled_yield'] - dm['mat_EOL_Recycled_2_HQ'] dm['mat_EOL_Recycled_HQ_into_MFG'] = dm['mat_EOL_Recycled_2_HQ'] * dm['mat_EOL_RecycledHQ_Reused4MFG'] * 0.01 dm['mat_EOL_Recycled_HQ_into_OU'] = dm['mat_EOL_Recycled_2_HQ'] - dm['mat_EOL_Recycled_HQ_into_MFG'] ## Beginning of Life Calculations Now ###################################### # TODO: Close loop later to reduce MFG step... something. mat_reMFG_yield closing to mat_ # CHECK dm['mat_EnteringModuleManufacturing_total'] = (df['Area'] * dm['mat_massperm2']*100/df['mod_MFG_eff']) dm['mat_UsedSuccessfullyinModuleManufacturing'] = (df['Area'] * dm['mat_massperm2']) dm['mat_LostinModuleManufacturing'] = dm['mat_EnteringModuleManufacturing_total'] - dm['mat_UsedSuccessfullyinModuleManufacturing'] dm['mat_EnteringModuleManufacturing_total'] = (df['Area'] * dm['mat_massperm2']*100/df['mod_MFG_eff']) # Input from Successful ReMFG to offset Module Manufacturing Material Needs. dm['mat_EnteringModuleManufacturing_virgin'] = dm['mat_EnteringModuleManufacturing_total'] - dm['mat_reMFG_yield'] ###################HEATHERS REMFG ATTEMPT dm['mat_EOL_ReMFG_VAT'] = dm['mat_reMFG_yield'] #make a copy of remfged yield to modify carryoverReMFG = True #todo, make sim input? if carryoverReMFG: #if we are using previous years recovered reMFGing materials reMFGsurplusEndofSim = 0 #init for rn in range(0,len(dm)): #loop over sim years reMFGsurplus = ( dm['mat_EOL_ReMFG_VAT'].loc[rn]- # vat of prev remfg dm['mat_EnteringModuleManufacturing_total'].loc[rn]) #minus mfging needs CHECK THIS #positive value means surplus if reMFGsurplus > 0: #if surplus if rn == len(dm)-1: #end of simulation condition reMFGsurplusEndofSim = reMFGsurplus print("ReMFG surplus End of Sim for Mat ", mat, " Scenario ", scen, " = ", reMFGsurplusEndofSim/1000000, " tonnes.") dm.loc[rn,'mat_EOL_ReMFG_VAT'] -= reMFGsurplus else: #during simulation years dm.loc[rn+1,'mat_EOL_ReMFG_VAT'] += reMFGsurplus #move surplus to next year dm.loc[rn,'mat_EOL_ReMFG_VAT'] -= reMFGsurplus #remove surplus from current year #input from REMFG to offset material dm['mat_EnteringModuleManufacturing_virgin'] = ( dm['mat_EnteringModuleManufacturing_total']- dm['mat_EOL_ReMFG_VAT']) else: #input from REMFG to offset material, modify main data frame dm['mat_EnteringModuleManufacturing_virgin'] = ( dm['mat_EnteringModuleManufacturing_total']- dm['mat_EOL_ReMFG_VAT']) ##################################################### # Material Manufacturing Stage dm['mat_Manufacturing_Input'] = dm['mat_EnteringModuleManufacturing_virgin'] / (dm['mat_MFG_eff'] * 0.01) # Scrap = Lost to Material manufacturing losses + Module manufacturing losses dm['mat_MFG_Scrap'] = (dm['mat_Manufacturing_Input'] - dm['mat_EnteringModuleManufacturing_virgin'] + dm['mat_LostinModuleManufacturing']) dm['mat_MFG_Scrap_Sentto_Recycling'] = dm['mat_MFG_Scrap'] * dm['mat_MFG_scrap_Recycled'] * 0.01 dm['mat_MFG_Scrap_Landfilled'] = dm['mat_MFG_Scrap'] - dm['mat_MFG_Scrap_Sentto_Recycling'] dm['mat_MFG_Scrap_Recycled_Successfully'] = (dm['mat_MFG_Scrap_Sentto_Recycling'] * dm['mat_MFG_scrap_Recycling_eff'] * 0.01) dm['mat_MFG_Scrap_Recycled_Losses_Landfilled'] = (dm['mat_MFG_Scrap_Sentto_Recycling'] - dm['mat_MFG_Scrap_Recycled_Successfully']) dm['mat_MFG_Recycled_into_HQ'] = (dm['mat_MFG_Scrap_Recycled_Successfully'] * dm['mat_MFG_scrap_Recycled_into_HQ'] * 0.01) dm['mat_MFG_Recycled_into_OQ'] = dm['mat_MFG_Scrap_Recycled_Successfully'] - dm['mat_MFG_Recycled_into_HQ'] dm['mat_MFG_Recycled_HQ_into_MFG'] = (dm['mat_MFG_Recycled_into_HQ'] * dm['mat_MFG_scrap_Recycled_into_HQ_Reused4MFG'] * 0.01) dm['mat_MFG_Recycled_HQ_into_OU'] = dm['mat_MFG_Recycled_into_HQ'] - dm['mat_MFG_Recycled_HQ_into_MFG'] dm['mat_EOL_Recycled_VAT'] = dm['mat_EOL_Recycled_HQ_into_MFG'] carryoverVat = True # TODO: Make this a sim input if carryoverVat: #if we are using previous years recycled material to closed loop offset recycledsurplusEndofSim = 0 #init # calculate the difference between mfging req and recycled material availability for rr in range(0, len(dm)): #loop over the the years of existing dm recycledsurplus = ( dm['mat_MFG_Recycled_HQ_into_MFG'].loc[rr] + #mfg scrap in that year dm['mat_EOL_Recycled_VAT'].loc[rr] #plus EOL scrap in that year -dm['mat_Manufacturing_Input'].loc[rr] ) #minus mfging needs # positive value means there is a surplus in that year that needs to be carried to next year if recycledsurplus > 0: # if surplus if rr == len(dm)-1: #end of simulation condition recycledsurplusEndofSim = recycledsurplus print("Recycled surplus End of Sim for Mat ", mat, " Scenario ", scen, " = ", recycledsurplusEndofSim/1000000, " tonnes.") dm.loc[rr,'mat_EOL_Recycled_VAT'] -= recycledsurplus else: #during simulation dm.loc[rr+1,'mat_EOL_Recycled_VAT'] += ( #add the surplus to the next year's VAT recycledsurplus) dm.loc[rr, 'mat_EOL_Recycled_VAT'] -= recycledsurplus #remove surplus from current year # Input from Successful Recycling to offset Material # Manufacturing Virgin Needs: dm['mat_Virgin_Stock'] = (dm['mat_Manufacturing_Input'] - dm['mat_EOL_Recycled_VAT'] - dm['mat_MFG_Recycled_HQ_into_MFG']) # This is what goes into OU in the 'else' statement. dm['mat_EOL_Recycled_HQ_into_MFG_notUSED'] = ( dm['mat_EOL_Recycled_HQ_into_MFG'] - dm['mat_EOL_Recycled_VAT']) # Have ot think on the recycledendofsimsurplus... else: # Input from Successful Recycling to offset Material # Manufacturing Virgin Needs: dm['mat_Virgin_Stock'] = (dm['mat_Manufacturing_Input'] - dm['mat_EOL_Recycled_HQ_into_MFG'] - dm['mat_MFG_Recycled_HQ_into_MFG']) # TO DO: rename 2 to original one, just using it for the # sanity check dm['mat_MFG_Recycled_HQ_into_OU2'] = dm['mat_MFG_Recycled_HQ_into_OU'] dm.loc[dm['mat_Virgin_Stock'] < 0, 'mat_MFG_Recycled_HQ_into_OU2'] = (dm[dm['mat_Virgin_Stock'] < 0]['mat_MFG_Recycled_HQ_into_OU2'] - dm[dm['mat_Virgin_Stock'] < 0]['mat_Virgin_Stock'] ) dm.loc[dm['mat_Virgin_Stock']<0, 'mat_Virgin_Stock'] = 0 print("VAT carryover material is turned OFF") # Calculate raw virgin needs before mining and refining efficiency losses dm['mat_Virgin_Stock_Raw'] = (dm['mat_Virgin_Stock'] * 100 / dm['mat_virgin_eff']) # Add Wastes dm['mat_Total_EOL_Landfilled'] = (dm['mat_L0']+ #'mat_modules_NotCollected'] + dm['mat_L1']+ # 'mat Path Good Chosen to be Landfilled + dm['mat_L2']+ # mat not reMFG (yields module, target, or yieldds matr) NOT sent to recycling dm['mat_L3']+ # mat in recycling not TARGET so landfilled + dm['mat_L4']) # mat in EOL_Recycled_Losses_Landfilled dm['mat_Total_MFG_Landfilled'] = (dm['mat_MFG_Scrap_Landfilled'] + dm['mat_MFG_Scrap_Recycled_Losses_Landfilled']) dm['mat_Total_Landfilled'] = (dm['mat_Total_EOL_Landfilled'] + dm['mat_Total_MFG_Landfilled']) dm['mat_Total_Recycled_OU'] = (dm['mat_EOL_Recycled_2_OQ'] + dm['mat_EOL_Recycled_HQ_into_OU'] + dm['mat_MFG_Recycled_into_OQ'] + dm['mat_MFG_Recycled_HQ_into_OU']) self.scenario[scen].material[mat].matdataOut_m = dm[dm.columns.difference(initialColsMat)] # CLEANUP MATRICES HERE: if debugflag: debugdf = df[(list(df.filter(regex='EOL_PG_Year_')))] debugdfB = df[(list(df.filter(regex='EOL_L0_Year_')))] debugdfC = df[(list(df.filter(regex='EOL_BS_Year')))] debugdf = debugdf.join(debugdfB) debugdf = debugdf.join(debugdfC) self.scenario[scen].dataDebug_m = debugdf df = df[df.columns.drop(list(df.filter(regex='EOL_PG_Year_')))] df = df[df.columns.drop(list(df.filter(regex='EOL_L0_Year_')))] df = df[df.columns.drop(list(df.filter(regex='EOL_BS_Year')))] self.scenario[scen].dataOut_m = df[df.columns.difference(initialCols)] #method to calculate energy flows as a function of mass flows and circular pathways def calculateEnergyFlow(self, scenarios=None, materials=None, insolation = 4800, PR = 0.85): ''' Function takes as input PV ICE resulting mass flow dataframes for scenarios and materials and performs the energy flow calculations. Parameters ------------ scenarios : None string with the scenario name or list of strings with scenarios names to loop over. Must exist on the PV ICE object and already have undergone the mass flow calculations. materials : None string with the material name or list of strings with the materials names to loop over. Must exists on the PV ICE object scenario(s) modeled and already have undergone the mass flow calculations. insolation : float Insolation received in the location modeled during the time period modeled. i.e. for 1 year, the average insolation in the US is 4800 Wh/m2-year. Used to calculate energy-out of the system from the installed capacity calculated in the mass flows which already considers degradation and decommissions from the fleet. PR : float Performance ratio, converts from DC to AC accounting for interver loading, necessary for EROI. Default is 0.85 Returns -------- de: dataframe Dataframe with columns for each process's energy by year (row). Among other columns, ''e_out_annual_[Wh]' reflects the energy generation or 'out' of the scenario, such that e_out_annual_[Wh] = Insolation * ActivePower/Irradience * time * PR time being 365 days for 1 year simulations. de_cum: dataframe Dataframe with columns for each process's cumulative energy by year (row) ''' if scenarios is None: scenarios = list(self.scenario.keys()) else: if isinstance(scenarios, str): scenarios = [scenarios] if materials is None: materials = list(self.scenario[scenarios[0]].material.keys()) else: if isinstance(materials, str): materials = [materials] print("\n\n>>>> Calculating Energy Flows <<<<\n") for scen in scenarios: print("Working on Scenario: ", scen) print("********************") df = self.scenario[scen].dataOut_m df_in = self.scenario[scen].dataIn_m modEnergy=self.scenario[scen].dataIn_e de = pd.DataFrame() de['mod_MFG'] = df['ModuleTotal_MFG']*modEnergy['e_mod_MFG'] de['mod_Install'] = df['Area']*modEnergy['e_mod_Install'] de['mod_OandM'] = df['Cumulative_Active_Area']*modEnergy['e_mod_OandM'] de['mod_Repair'] = df['Repaired_Area']*modEnergy['e_mod_Repair'] de['mod_Demount'] = (df['Resold_Area']+df['Yearly_Sum_Area_PathsBad']+df['Landfill_0_ProjLife'] +df['Yearly_Sum_Area_PathsGood'])*modEnergy['e_mod_Demount'] de['mod_Store'] = df['P2_stored']*modEnergy['e_mod_Store'] de['mod_Resell_Certify'] = df['Resold_Area']*modEnergy['e_mod_Resell_Certify'] de['mod_ReMFG_Disassembly'] = df['P3_reMFG']*modEnergy['e_mod_ReMFG_Disassembly'] de['mod_Recycle_Crush'] = df['P4_recycled']*modEnergy['e_mod_Recycle_Crush'] #Energy Generation, Energy_out = Insolation (adjusted for bifi) * ActivePower/Irradience * time * PR de['e_out_annual_[Wh]'] = insolation*(df['irradiance_stc']/1000) * (df['Effective_Capacity_[W]']/1000) * 365 * PR self.scenario[scen].dataOut_e = de #Wh for mat in materials: if self.scenario[scen].material[mat].matdataIn_e is None: print("==> No energy material found for Material : ", mat, ". Skipping Energy calculations.") demat = None else: print("==> Working on Energy for Material : ", mat) dm = self.scenario[scen].material[mat].matdataOut_m matEnergy=self.scenario[scen].material[mat].matdataIn_e demat = pd.DataFrame() demat['mat_extraction'] = dm['mat_Virgin_Stock_Raw']*matEnergy['e_mat_extraction'] demat['mat_MFG_virgin'] = dm['mat_Virgin_Stock']*matEnergy['e_mat_MFG'] #multiply only the virgin input demat['mat_MFG_virgin_fuel'] = demat['mat_MFG_virgin']*matEnergy['e_mat_MFG_fuelfraction']*0.01 #fuel fraction of the virgin energy demands #demat['mat_MFG_virgin_elec'] = demat['mat_MFG_virgin']*(1-matEnergy['e_mat_MFG_fuelfraction'])*0.01 demat['mat_MFGScrap_LQ'] = dm['mat_MFG_Scrap_Sentto_Recycling']*matEnergy['e_mat_MFGScrap_LQ'] #OQ only - everything that goes into mfgscrap recycle demat['mat_MFGScrap_HQ'] = dm['mat_MFG_Recycled_into_HQ']*(matEnergy['e_mat_MFGScrap_HQ']) #the additional energy required for HQ demat['mat_MFGScrap_HQ_fuel'] = demat['mat_MFGScrap_HQ']*matEnergy['e_mat_Recycled_HQ_fuelfraction']*0.01 #fraction of HQ energy attributable to fuel #demat['mat_MFG_virgin_elec'] = demat['mat_MFG_virgin']*(1-matEnergy['e_mat_MFG_fuelfraction'])*0.01 demat['mat_Landfill'] = dm['mat_Total_Landfilled']*matEnergy['e_mat_Landfill'] demat['mat_Landfill_fuel'] = demat['mat_Landfill']*matEnergy['e_mat_Landfill_fuelfraction']*0.01 #fuel fraction of landfilling demat['mat_EoL_ReMFG_clean'] = dm['mat_reMFG_target']*matEnergy['e_mat_EoL_ReMFG_clean'] demat['mat_Recycled_LQ'] = dm['mat_recycled_target']*matEnergy['e_mat_Recycled_LQ'] demat['mat_Recycled_HQ'] = dm['mat_EOL_Recycled_2_HQ']*matEnergy['e_mat_Recycled_HQ'] demat['mat_Recycled_HQ_fuel'] = demat['mat_Recycled_HQ']*matEnergy['e_mat_Recycled_HQ_fuelfraction']*0.01 demat['mat_Recycled_HQ_elec'] = demat['mat_Recycled_HQ']-demat['mat_Recycled_HQ_fuel'] self.scenario[scen].material[mat].matdataOut_e = demat #Wh def calculateCarbonFlows(self, scenarios=None, materials=None, countrygridmixes = None, gridemissionfactors = None, materialprocesscarbon = None, modulecountrymarketshare = None, materialcountrymarketshare = None, country_deploy = 'USA'): if scenarios is None: scenarios = list(self.scenario.keys()) else: if isinstance(scenarios, str): scenarios = [scenarios] if materials is None: materials = list(self.scenario[scenarios[0]].material.keys()) else: if isinstance(materials, str): materials = [materials] print("\n\n>>>> Calculating Carbon Flows <<<<\n") #carbon folder #TODO: NEED TO MAKE THIS MORE DYNAMIC/robust carbonfolder = Path(DATA_PATH) / 'CarbonLayer' if countrygridmixes is None: countrygridmixes = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(carbonfolder,'baseline_countrygridmix.csv')) else: if isinstance(countrygridmixes, str): countrygridmixes = pd.read_csv(countrygridmixes) if isinstance(countrygridmixes, object): countrygridmixes = countrygridmixes #default files gridemissionfactors = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(carbonfolder,'baseline_electricityemissionfactors.csv')) materialprocesscarbon = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(carbonfolder,'baseline_materials_processCO2.csv'), index_col='Material') #countrygridmixes = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(carbonfolder,'baseline_countrygridmix.csv')) countrymodmfg = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(carbonfolder,'baseline2100_module_countrymarketshare.csv')) for scen in scenarios: print("Working on Scenario: ", scen) print("********************") #df = self.scenario[scen].dataOut_m #df_in = self.scenario[scen].dataIn_m de = self.scenario[scen].dataOut_e #de_in = self.scenario[scen].dataIn_e #carbon intensity of country grid mixes #extract lists countryfuellist = [cols.split('_')[0] for cols in countrygridmixes.columns[1:]] countrylist = (pd.DataFrame(countryfuellist)[0].unique()).tolist() countryfuellist_fuels = [cols.split('_')[1] for cols in countrygridmixes.columns[1:]] fuellist = (pd.DataFrame(countryfuellist_fuels)[0].unique()).tolist() #create carbon intensity of country grid mix, #inside scenarios allows for different future grid projections final_country_carbon_int = [] for country in countrylist: temp_country_carbon = [] for fuel in fuellist: fuelemitfactor = gridemissionfactors[gridemissionfactors['Energy Source']==fuel]['CO2eq_gpWh_IPCC2006'] fuelemitfactor = list(fuelemitfactor)[0] if str(country+'_'+fuel) in countrygridmixes: countryfuel = countrygridmixes[str(country+'_'+fuel)] temp_country_carbon.append(list(0.01*countryfuel*fuelemitfactor)) #multiply country fuel % by fuel factor final_country_carbon_int.append(list(pd.DataFrame(temp_country_carbon).sum())) #sum the carbon int by country country_carbonpwh = pd.DataFrame(final_country_carbon_int).T country_carbonpwh.columns = countrylist #carbon intensity of module manufacturing weighted by country #list countries mfging modules print('Working on Carbon for Module') countriesmfgingmodules = list(countrymodmfg.columns[1:]) #weight carbon intensity of electricity by countries which mfging modules countrycarbon_modmfg_gco2eqpwh = [] for country in countriesmfgingmodules: if country in country_carbonpwh: currentcountry = country_carbonpwh[country]*countrymodmfg[country]*.01 countrycarbon_modmfg_gco2eqpwh.append(currentcountry) else: print(country) modmfg_gco2eqpwh_bycountry = pd.DataFrame(countrycarbon_modmfg_gco2eqpwh).T # modmfg_gco2eqpwh_bycountry['Global_gCO2eqpwh'] = modmfg_gco2eqpwh_bycountry.sum(axis=1) #annual carbon intensity of pv module mfg wtd by country #print(modmfg_gco2eqpwh_bycountry['China'].iloc[-1]) #carbon impacts module mfging wtd by country dc = modmfg_gco2eqpwh_bycountry.mul(de['mod_MFG'], axis=0) dc.rename(columns={'Global_gCO2eqpwh':'Global'}, inplace=True) dc = dc.add_suffix('_mod_MFG_gCO2eq') #carbon impacts other module level steps #assumption: all CO2 after mfg is attributable to target deployment country country_deploy = 'USA' #user input in calc carbon function, default USA dc['mod_Install_gCO2eq'] = de['mod_Install']*country_carbonpwh[country_deploy] dc['mod_OandM_gCO2eq'] = de['mod_OandM']*country_carbonpwh[country_deploy] dc['mod_Repair_gCO2eq'] = de['mod_Repair']*country_carbonpwh[country_deploy] dc['mod_Demount_gCO2eq'] = de['mod_Demount']*country_carbonpwh[country_deploy] dc['mod_Store_gCO2eq'] = de['mod_Store']*country_carbonpwh[country_deploy] dc['mod_Resell_Certify_gCO2eq'] = de['mod_Resell_Certify']*country_carbonpwh[country_deploy] dc['mod_ReMFG_Disassembly_gCO2eq'] = de['mod_ReMFG_Disassembly']*country_carbonpwh[country_deploy] dc['mod_Recycle_Crush_gCO2eq'] = de['mod_Recycle_Crush']*country_carbonpwh[country_deploy] self.scenario[scen].dataOut_c = dc for mat in materials: if self.scenario[scen].material[mat].matdataIn_e is None: print("==> No Carbon intensity found for Material : ", mat, ". Skipping Carbon calculations.") demat = None else: print("==> Working on Carbon for Material : ", mat) demat = self.scenario[scen].material[mat].matdataOut_e dm = self.scenario[scen].material[mat].matdataOut_m matfilename = 'baseline2100_'+str(mat)+'_MFGing_countrymarketshare.csv' countrymatmfg = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(carbonfolder, matfilename)) #carbon intensity of material manufacturing weighted by country #list countries mfging material countriesmfgingmat = list(countrymatmfg.columns[1:]) #weight carbon intensity of electricity by countries which mfging modules countrycarbon_matmfg_gco2eqpwh = [] for matcountry in countriesmfgingmat: if matcountry in country_carbonpwh: currentcountry = country_carbonpwh[matcountry]*countrymatmfg[matcountry]*.01 countrycarbon_matmfg_gco2eqpwh.append(currentcountry) else: print('Check '+mat+' MFGing by Country file OR add to country grid mix file. We dont have a grid mix for: '+matcountry) matmfg_gco2eqpwh_bycountry = pd.DataFrame(countrycarbon_matmfg_gco2eqpwh).T # matmfg_gco2eqpwh_bycountry['Global_gCO2eqpwh'] = matmfg_gco2eqpwh_bycountry.sum(axis=1) #annual carbon intensity of elec country wtd #carbon impacts mat mfging wtd by country #electric demat['mat_MFG_virgin_elec'] = demat['mat_MFG_virgin']-demat['mat_MFG_virgin_fuel'] dcmat = matmfg_gco2eqpwh_bycountry.mul(demat['mat_MFG_virgin_elec'],axis=0) dcmat.rename(columns={'Global_gCO2eqpwh':'Global'}, inplace=True) dcmat = dcmat.add_suffix('_vmfg_elec_gCO2eq') #fuel CO2 impacts steamHeat = list(gridemissionfactors[gridemissionfactors['Energy Source']=='SteamAndHeat']['CO2_gpWh_EPA'])[0] dcmat['mat_vmfg_fuel_gCO2eq'] = demat['mat_MFG_virgin_fuel']*steamHeat #CO2 from mfging fuels dcmat['mat_MFGScrap_HQ_fuel_gCO2eq'] = demat['mat_MFGScrap_HQ_fuel']*steamHeat #CO2 from mfging scrap recycling fuels dcmat['mat_landfill_fuel_gCO2eq'] = demat['mat_Landfill_fuel']*steamHeat dcmat['mat_Recycled_HQ_fuel_gCO2eq'] = demat['mat_Recycled_HQ_fuel']*steamHeat #co2 from eol recycling fuels #circular paths electricity in target country dcmat['mat_landfill_elec_gCO2eq'] = (demat['mat_Landfill']-demat['mat_Landfill_fuel'])*country_carbonpwh[country_deploy] dcmat['mat_EoL_ReMFG_clean_elec_gCO2eq'] = demat['mat_EoL_ReMFG_clean']*country_carbonpwh[country_deploy] dcmat['mat_Recycled_LQ_elec_gCO2eq'] = demat['mat_Recycled_LQ']*country_carbonpwh[country_deploy] dcmat['mat_Recycled_HQ_elec_gCO2eq'] = demat['mat_Recycled_HQ_elec']*country_carbonpwh[country_deploy] #CO2 process emissions from MFGing (v, lq, hq) #mass of material being processed in each stream * CO2 intensity of that process dcmat['mat_vMFG_p_gCO2eq'] = dm['mat_Virgin_Stock']*materialprocesscarbon.loc[mat,'v_MFG_gCO2eqpg'] dcmat['mat_LQmfg_p_gCO2eq'] = dm['mat_MFG_Scrap_Sentto_Recycling']*materialprocesscarbon.loc[mat,'LQ_Recycle_gCO2eqpg'] dcmat['mat_LQeol_p_gCO2eq'] = dm['mat_recycled_target']*materialprocesscarbon.loc[mat,'LQ_Recycle_gCO2eqpg'] #dcmat['mat_LQ_p_gCO2eq'] = dcmat['mat_LQmfg_p_gCO2eq']+dcmat['mat_LQeol_p_gCO2eq'] dcmat['mat_HQmfg_p_gCO2eq'] = dm['mat_MFG_Recycled_into_HQ']*materialprocesscarbon.loc[mat,'HQ_Recycle_gCO2eqpg'] dcmat['mat_HQeol_p_gCO2eq'] = dm['mat_EOL_Recycled_2_HQ']*materialprocesscarbon.loc[mat,'HQ_Recycle_gCO2eqpg'] #dcmat['mat_HQ_p_gCO2eq'] = dcmat['mat_HQmfg_p_gCO2eq']+dcmat['mat_HQeol_p_gCO2eq'] #sum carbon stuff #dcmat['mat_vMFG_energy_gCO2eq'] = dcmat['Global_vmfg_elec_gCO2eq']+dcmat['mat_vmfg_fuel_gCO2eq'] #dcmat['mat_vMFG_total_gCO2eq'] = dcmat['mat_vMFG_energy_gCO2eq']+dcmat['mat_vMFG_p_gCO2eq'] #dcmat['mat_Recycle_e_p_gCO2eq'] = dcmat['mat_HQ_p_gCO2eq'] + dcmat['mat_LQ_p_gCO2eq'] + dcmat['mat_MFGScrap_HQ_fuel_gCO2eq']+dcmat['mat_Recycled_LQ_gCO2eq']+dcmat['mat_Recycled_HQ_elec_gCO2eq'] #dcmat['mat_landfill_total_gCO2eq'] = dcmat['mat_landfill_elec_gCO2eq'] + dcmat['mat_landfill_fuel_gCO2eq'] self.scenario[scen].material[mat].matdataOut_c = dcmat def scenMod_IRENIFY(self, scenarios=None, ELorRL='RL'): if ELorRL == 'RL': weibullInputParams = {'alpha': 5.3759, 'beta': 30} # Regular-loss scenario IRENA print("Using Irena Regular Loss Assumptions") if ELorRL == 'EL': weibullInputParams = {'alpha': 2.4928, 'beta': 30} # Regular-loss scenario IRENA print("Using Irena Early Loss Assumptions") if scenarios is None: scenarios = list(self.scenario.keys()) else: if isinstance(scenarios, str): scenarios = [scenarios] for scen in scenarios: self.scenario[scen].dataIn_m['weibull_alpha'] = weibullInputParams['alpha'] self.scenario[scen].dataIn_m['weibull_beta'] = weibullInputParams['beta'] self.scenario[scen].dataIn_m['mod_lifetime'] = 40.0 self.scenario[scen].dataIn_m['mod_MFG_eff'] = 100.0 for mat in self.scenario[scen].material: self.scenario[scen].material[mat].matdataIn_m['mat_MFG_eff'] = 100.0 self.scenario[scen].material[mat].matdataIn_m['mat_MFG_scrap_Recycled'] = 0.0 return def check_Years_dataandMaterials(self, scenarios=None, materials=None): ''' ''' print ("Not Done") def trim_Years( self, startYear, endYear, aggregateInstalls=False, averageEfficiency=False, averagemassdata = False, methodAddedYears='repeat', scenarios=None, materials=None): ''' This function now just trims years at the start or end methodStart : str 'trim' or 'aggregate'. Trim cuts the values before the year specified. Aggregate sums the values (if any) up to the year specified and sets it in that year. No backfilling of data enabled at the moment. methodEnd : str 'repeat' or 'zeroes' only options at the moment. 'repeat' Increases to the endYear by repeating the last value. zeroes places zeroes. ''' if scenarios is None: scenarios = list(self.scenario.keys()) else: if isinstance(scenarios, str): scenarios = [scenarios] scen0 = scenarios[0] #static scenario of the first in the list dataStartYear = int(self.scenario[scen0].dataIn_m.iloc[0]['year']) dataEndYear = int(self.scenario[scen0].dataIn_m.iloc[-1]['year']) tryenergy = True #see below, default to try trimming energy dfs for scen in scenarios: print('Trimming and extending ',scen) baseline = self.scenario[scen].dataIn_m # Add check if data does not need to be reduced to not do these. reduced = baseline.loc[(baseline['year']>=startYear) & (baseline['year']<=endYear)].copy() reduced.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True) self.scenario[scen].dataIn_m = reduced #reassign the material data to the simulation if int(endYear) > int(dataEndYear): # extend data with start trimming lengthtoadd = int(endYear) - int(dataEndYear) newIndex = pd.RangeIndex(0,lengthtoadd,1) #create a new index to append add = pd.DataFrame(columns=baseline.columns, index=newIndex) #create empty df, using new index extended = pd.concat([reduced,add]) #concat the trimmed early years with the new extended years #reset the index and forward fill the last values extended.reset_index(inplace=True, drop=True) #reset the index and don't include the old in new df extended.ffill(inplace=True) #forward fill columns # fix years newYears = pd.Series(range(dataEndYear+1,endYear+1,1)) #create a series of years to overwrite the ffill extended.loc[len(reduced):,'year'] = newYears.values self.scenario[scen].dataIn_m = extended #reassign to the simulation if aggregateInstalls: prev = baseline.loc[(baseline['year']<startYear)].sum() reduced.loc[reduced['year'] == startYear, 'new_Installed_Capacity_[MW]'] = prev['new_Installed_Capacity_[MW]'] if averageEfficiency: prev = baseline.loc[(baseline['year']<startYear)].mean() reduced.loc[reduced['year'] == startYear, 'mod_eff'] = prev['mod_eff'] if tryenergy: # I'm sure theres a more elegant way to check if a dataframe exists. try: baseline = self.scenario[scen].dataIn_e # Add check if data does not need to be reduced to not do these. reduced = baseline.loc[(baseline['year']>=startYear) & (baseline['year']<=endYear)].copy() reduced.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True) self.scenario[scen].dataIn_e = reduced #reassign the material data to the simulation if int(endYear) > int(dataEndYear): # extend data with start trimming lengthtoadd = int(endYear) - int(dataEndYear) newIndex = pd.RangeIndex(0,lengthtoadd,1) #create a new index to append add = pd.DataFrame(columns=baseline.columns, index=newIndex) #create empty df, using new index extended = pd.concat([reduced,add]) #concat the trimmed df with the new extended years extended.reset_index(inplace=True, drop=True) #reset the index and don't include the old in new df extended.ffill(inplace=True) #forward fill columns # fix years newYears = pd.Series(range(dataEndYear+1,endYear+1,1)) #create a series of years to overwrite the ffill extended.loc[len(reduced):,'year'] = newYears.values #print(extended.tail(5)) self.scenario[scen].dataIn_e = extended #reassign to the simulation if aggregateInstalls: print("Warning: Attempting to aggregate Installs for "+ "triming years for Energy Data. This is not yet "+ "implemented, it will just clip data to years "+ "selected. Let silvana know this feature is "+ "actually needed so she works on it.") if averageEfficiency: print("Warning: Attempting to averageEfficiency for "+ "triming years for Energy Data. This is not yet "+ "implemented, it will just clip data to years "+ "selected. Let silvana know this feature is "+ "actually needed so she works on it.") except: print("No energy data loaded. Skipping for all next scenarios and materials") tryenergy = False for mat in self.scenario[scen].material: matdf = self.scenario[scen].material[mat].matdataIn_m #pull out the df reduced = matdf.loc[(matdf['year']>=startYear) & (matdf['year']<=endYear)].copy() reduced.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True) self.scenario[scen].material[mat].matdataIn_m = reduced #reassign the material data to the simulation if int(endYear) > int(dataEndYear): # extend data with start trimming lengthtoadd = int(endYear) - int(dataEndYear) newIndex = pd.RangeIndex(0,lengthtoadd,1) #create a new index to append add = pd.DataFrame(columns=baseline.columns, index=newIndex) #create empty df, using new index extended = pd.concat([reduced,add]) #concat the trimmed early years with the new extended years extended.reset_index(inplace=True, drop=True) #reset the index and don't include the old in new df extended.ffill(inplace=True) #forward fill columns # fix years newYears = pd.Series(range(dataEndYear+1,endYear+1,1)) #create a series of years to overwrite the ffill extended.loc[len(reduced):,'year'] = newYears.values #print(extended.tail(5)) self.scenario[scen].material[mat].matdataIn_m = extended #reassign to the simulation if averagemassdata == 'average': prev = matdf.loc[(baseline['year']<startYear)].mean() matkeys = list(reduced.keys())[1:12] for matkey in matkeys: # skipping year (0). Skipping added columsn from mass flow reduced.loc[reduced['year'] == startYear, matkey] = prev[matkey] if tryenergy: # I'm sure theres a more elegant way to check if a dataframe exists. try: matdf = self.scenario[scen].material[mat].matdataIn_e #pull out the df reduced = matdf.loc[(matdf['year']>=startYear) & (matdf['year']<=endYear)].copy() reduced.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True) self.scenario[scen].material[mat].matdataIn_e = reduced #reassign the material data to the simulation if int(endYear) > int(dataEndYear): # extend data with start trimming lengthtoadd = int(endYear) - int(dataEndYear) newIndex = pd.RangeIndex(0,lengthtoadd,1) #create a new index to append add = pd.DataFrame(columns=baseline.columns, index=newIndex) #create empty df, using new index extended = pd.concat([reduced,add]) #concat the trimmed early years with the new extended years extended.reset_index(inplace=True, drop=True) #reset the index and don't include the old in new df extended.ffill(inplace=True) #forward fill columns # fix years newYears = pd.Series(range(dataEndYear+1,endYear+1,1)) #create a series of years to overwrite the ffill extended.loc[len(reduced):,'year'] = newYears.values #print(extended.tail(5)) self.scenario[scen].material[mat].matdataIn_e = extended #reassign to the simulation if averagemassdata == 'average': print("Warning: Attempting to averagemassdata for "+ "triming years for Energy Data. This is not yet "+ "implemented, it will just clip data to years "+ "selected. Let silvana know this feature is "+ "actually needed so she works on it.") #consistent year check newStartYear_e = int(self.scenario[scen0].dataIn_e.iloc[0]['year']) newEndYear_e = int(self.scenario[scen0].dataIn_e.iloc[-1]['year']) newStartYear_emat = int(self.scenario[scen0].material[mat].matdataIn_e.iloc[0]['year']) newEndYear_emat = int(self.scenario[scen0].material[mat].matdataIn_e.iloc[-1]['year']) if (newStartYear_e == newStartYear_emat) & (newEndYear_e == newEndYear_emat): print(scen,mat,": Data trimmed for Energy, years now encompass ", newStartYear_e, " to ", newEndYear_e) #modify to recheck the new data start and end year, because currently can specify a later year and it wont extend else: print('There is an issue with year modification for Energy!!') except: print("No material energy data loaded.") #consistent year check newStartYear_m = int(self.scenario[scen0].dataIn_m.iloc[0]['year']) newEndYear_m = int(self.scenario[scen0].dataIn_m.iloc[-1]['year']) newStartYear_mat = int(self.scenario[scen0].material[mat].matdataIn_m.iloc[0]['year']) newEndYear_mat = int(self.scenario[scen0].material[mat].matdataIn_m.iloc[-1]['year']) if (newStartYear_m == newStartYear_mat) & (newEndYear_m == newEndYear_mat): print(scen,mat,": Data trimmed for Mass, years now encompass ", newStartYear_m, " to ", newEndYear_m) #modify to recheck the new data start and end year, because currently can specify a later year and it wont extend else: print('There is an issue with year modification for Mass!!') def scenMod_IRENIFY(self, scenarios=None, ELorRL='RL'): if ELorRL == 'RL': weibullInputParams = {'alpha': 5.3759, 'beta': 30} # Regular-loss scenario IRENA print("Using Irena Regular Loss Assumptions") if ELorRL == 'EL': weibullInputParams = {'alpha': 2.4928, 'beta': 30} # Regular-loss scenario IRENA print("Using Irena Early Loss Assumptions") if scenarios is None: scenarios = list(self.scenario.keys()) else: if isinstance(scenarios, str): scenarios = [scenarios] for scen in scenarios: self.scenario[scen].dataIn_m['weibull_alpha'] = weibullInputParams['alpha'] self.scenario[scen].dataIn_m['weibull_beta'] = weibullInputParams['beta'] self.scenario[scen].dataIn_m['mod_lifetime'] = 40.0 self.scenario[scen].dataIn_m['mod_MFG_eff'] = 100.0 for mat in self.scenario[scen].material: self.scenario[scen].material[mat].matdataIn_m['mat_MFG_eff'] = 100.0 self.scenario[scen].material[mat].matdataIn_m['mat_MFG_scrap_Recycled'] = 0.0 return def scenMod_PerfectManufacturing(self, scenarios=None): if scenarios is None: scenarios = list(self.scenario.keys()) else: if isinstance(scenarios, str): scenarios = [scenarios] for scen in scenarios: self.scenario[scen].dataIn_m['mod_MFG_eff'] = 100.0 for mat in self.scenario[scen].material: self.scenario[scen].material[mat].matdataIn_m['mat_virgin_eff'] = 100.0 self.scenario[scen].material[mat].matdataIn_m['mat_MFG_eff'] = 100.0 return def scenMod_noCircularity(self, scenarios=None): if scenarios is None: scenarios = list(self.scenario.keys()) else: if isinstance(scenarios, str): scenarios = [scenarios] for scen in scenarios: self.scenario[scen].dataIn_m['mod_EOL_collection_eff'] = 0.0 #this should send all to landfill, but just in case set rest to 0.0 self.scenario[scen].dataIn_m['mod_EOL_pg0_resell'] = 0.0 self.scenario[scen].dataIn_m['mod_EOL_pg1_landfill'] = 100.0 #all to landfill self.scenario[scen].dataIn_m['mod_EOL_pg2_stored'] = 0.0 self.scenario[scen].dataIn_m['mod_EOL_pg3_reMFG'] = 0.0 self.scenario[scen].dataIn_m['mod_EOL_pg4_recycled'] = 0.0 self.scenario[scen].dataIn_m['mod_EOL_sp_reMFG_recycle'] = 0.0 self.scenario[scen].dataIn_m['mod_EOL_pb1_landfill'] = 100.0 #all to landfill self.scenario[scen].dataIn_m['mod_EOL_pb2_stored'] = 0.0 self.scenario[scen].dataIn_m['mod_EOL_pb3_reMFG'] = 0.0 self.scenario[scen].dataIn_m['mod_EOL_pb4_recycled'] = 0.0 self.scenario[scen].dataIn_m['mod_Repair'] = 0.0 self.scenario[scen].dataIn_m['mod_MerchantTail'] = 0.0 #should this one be set to 0? for mat in self.scenario[scen].material: self.scenario[scen].material[mat].matdataIn_m['mat_MFG_scrap_Recycled'] = 0.0 self.scenario[scen].material[mat].matdataIn_m['mat_MFG_scrap_Recycling_eff'] = 0.0 self.scenario[scen].material[mat].matdataIn_m['mat_MFG_scrap_Recycled_into_HQ'] = 0.0 self.scenario[scen].material[mat].matdataIn_m['mat_MFG_scrap_Recycled_into_HQ_Reused4MFG'] = 0.0 self.scenario[scen].material[mat].matdataIn_m['mat_PG3_ReMFG_target'] = 0.0 self.scenario[scen].material[mat].matdataIn_m['mat_PG4_Recycling_target'] = 0.0 self.scenario[scen].material[mat].matdataIn_m['mat_Recycling_yield'] = 0.0 self.scenario[scen].material[mat].matdataIn_m['mat_EOL_Recycled_into_HQ'] = 0.0 self.scenario[scen].material[mat].matdataIn_m['mat_EOL_RecycledHQ_Reused4MFG'] = 0.0 return def scenMod_perfectRecycling(self, scenarios=None): if scenarios is None: scenarios = list(self.scenario.keys()) else: if isinstance(scenarios, str): scenarios = [scenarios] for scen in scenarios: self.scenario[scen].dataIn_m['mod_EOL_collection_eff'] = 100.0 #this should send all to landfill, but just in case set rest to 0.0 self.scenario[scen].dataIn_m['mod_EOL_pg0_resell'] = 0.0 self.scenario[scen].dataIn_m['mod_EOL_pg1_landfill'] = 0.0 #all to landfill self.scenario[scen].dataIn_m['mod_EOL_pg2_stored'] = 0.0 self.scenario[scen].dataIn_m['mod_EOL_pg3_reMFG'] = 0.0 self.scenario[scen].dataIn_m['mod_EOL_pg4_recycled'] = 100.0 self.scenario[scen].dataIn_m['mod_EOL_sp_reMFG_recycle'] = 100.0 self.scenario[scen].dataIn_m['mod_EOL_pb1_landfill'] = 0.0 #all to landfill self.scenario[scen].dataIn_m['mod_EOL_pb2_stored'] = 0.0 self.scenario[scen].dataIn_m['mod_EOL_pb3_reMFG'] = 0.0 self.scenario[scen].dataIn_m['mod_EOL_pb4_recycled'] = 100.0 self.scenario[scen].dataIn_m['mod_Repair'] = 0.0 self.scenario[scen].dataIn_m['mod_MerchantTail'] = 0.0 #should this one be set to 0? for mat in self.scenario[scen].material: self.scenario[scen].material[mat].matdataIn_m['mat_MFG_scrap_Recycled'] = 100.0 self.scenario[scen].material[mat].matdataIn_m['mat_MFG_scrap_Recycling_eff'] = 100.0 self.scenario[scen].material[mat].matdataIn_m['mat_MFG_scrap_Recycled_into_HQ'] = 100.0 self.scenario[scen].material[mat].matdataIn_m['mat_MFG_scrap_Recycled_into_HQ_Reused4MFG'] = 100.0 self.scenario[scen].material[mat].matdataIn_m['mat_PG3_ReMFG_target'] = 100.0 self.scenario[scen].material[mat].matdataIn_m['mat_PG4_Recycling_target'] = 100.0 self.scenario[scen].material[mat].matdataIn_m['mat_Recycling_yield'] = 100.0 self.scenario[scen].material[mat].matdataIn_m['mat_EOL_Recycled_into_HQ'] = 100.0 self.scenario[scen].material[mat].matdataIn_m['mat_EOL_RecycledHQ_Reused4MFG'] = 100.0 return def aggregateResults(self, scenarios=None, materials=None): if scenarios is None: scenarios = list(self.scenario.keys()) else: if isinstance(scenarios, str): scenarios = [scenarios] if materials is None: materials = list(self.scenario[scenarios[0]].material.keys()) else: if isinstance(materials, str): materials = [materials] keywds = ['mat_Virgin_Stock', 'mat_Total_Landfilled', 'mat_Total_EOL_Landfilled', 'mat_Total_MFG_Landfilled'] nice_keywds = ['VirginStock', 'WasteAll', 'WasteEOL', 'WasteMFG'] USyearly=pd.DataFrame() for scen in scenarios: for ii in range(len(keywds)): keywd = keywds[ii] nicekey = nice_keywds[ii] for mat in materials: USyearly[nicekey+'_'+mat+'_''_'+scen] = self.scenario[scen].material[mat].matdataOut_m[keywd] filter_col = [col for col in USyearly if (col.startswith(nicekey) and col.endswith('_'+scen)) ] USyearly[nicekey+'_Module_''_'+scen] = USyearly[filter_col].sum(axis=1) # 2DO: Add multiple objects option USyearly = USyearly/1000000 # This is the ratio for grams to Metric tonnes USyearly = USyearly.add_suffix('_[Tonnes]') # Different units, so no need to do the ratio to Metric tonnes :p keywd1='new_Installed_Capacity_[MW]' for scen in scenarios: USyearly['newInstalledCapacity_''_'+scen+'_[MW]'] = self.scenario[scen].dataIn_m[keywd1] # Creating c umulative results UScum = USyearly.copy() UScum = UScum.cumsum() # Adding Installed Capacity to US (This is already 'Cumulative') so not including it in UScum # We are also renaming it to 'ActiveCapacity' and calculating Decommisioned Capacity. # TODO: Rename Installed_CApacity to ActiveCapacity throughout. keywd='Effective_Capacity_[W]' for scen in scenarios: USyearly['ActiveCapacity_''_'+scen+'_[MW]'] = self.scenario[scen].dataOut_m[keywd]/1e6 #this value is cumulative #decommissions are cumulative USyearly['DecommisionedCapacity_''_'+scen+'_[MW]'] = (UScum['newInstalledCapacity_''_'+scen+'_[MW]'] - USyearly['ActiveCapacity_''_'+scen+'_[MW]']) # Adding Decommissioned Capacity # Reindexing and Merging USyearly.index = self.scenario[scen].dataIn_m['year'] UScum.index = self.scenario[scen].dataIn_m['year'] self.USyearly = USyearly self.UScum = UScum return USyearly, UScum def aggregateEnergyResults(self, scenarios=None, materials=None): if scenarios is None: scenarios = list(self.scenario.keys()) else: if isinstance(scenarios, str): scenarios = [scenarios] if materials is None: materials = list(self.scenario[scenarios[0]].material.keys()) else: if isinstance(materials, str): materials = [materials] #TODO: categorize the energy in values into lifecycle stages mfg_energies = ['mod_MFG','mat_extraction','mat_MFG_virgin'] mfg_recycle_energies_LQ = ['mat_MFGScrap_LQ'] #LQ and HQ are separate becuase LQ is only LQ mfg_recycle_energies_HQ = ['mat_MFGScrap_HQ'] #and HQ material is E_LQ + E_HQ use_energies = ['mod_Install','mod_OandM','mod_Repair'] eol_energies = ['mat_Landfill','mod_Demount','mod_Store','mod_Resell_Certify'] eol_remfg_energies = ['mod_ReMFG_Disassmbly','mat_EoL_ReMFG_clean'] eol_recycle_energies_LQ = ['mod_Recycle_Crush','mat_Recycled_LQ'] eol_recycle_energies_HQ = ['mod_Recycle_Crush','mat_Recycled_HQ'] energy_demands_keys = [mfg_energies,mfg_recycle_energies_LQ,mfg_recycle_energies_HQ,use_energies,eol_energies,eol_remfg_energies,eol_recycle_energies_LQ,eol_recycle_energies_HQ] energy_demands_flat = list(itertools.chain(*energy_demands_keys)) #init variables allenergy = pd.DataFrame() energyGen = pd.DataFrame() energyFuel = pd.DataFrame() energyDemands = pd.DataFrame() energyDemands_all = pd.DataFrame() for scen in scenarios: # add the scen name as a prefix \ energy_mod_scen = self.scenario[scen].dataOut_e.add_prefix(str(scen+'_')) #extract and label de module (10cols) scenmatde = pd.DataFrame() #wipe and initialize material energy df #material level energy for mat in materials: # add the scen name as a prefix energy_mat_scen = self.scenario[scen].material[mat].matdataOut_e.add_prefix(str(scen+'_'+mat+'_')) #extract and label de material scenmatde = pd.concat([scenmatde,energy_mat_scen], axis=1) #group all material de (84) scende = pd.concat([energy_mod_scen,scenmatde], axis=1) #group single scenario de (module and materials) (94cols) scende_gen = scende.filter(like='e_out_annual')# create df of energy generation scende_fuels = scende.filter(like='_fuel')# create df of fuel scende_filter1 = scende.loc[:,~scende.columns.isin(scende_gen.columns)] #select all columns that are NOT energy generation scende_demands = scende_filter1.loc[:,~scende_filter1.columns.isin(scende_fuels.columns)] #select all columns that are NOT fuel (this avoids double counting) colname = str(scen+'_e_demand_total') #create column name scende_demands.loc[:,colname] = scende_demands.sum(axis=1) #sums module and material energy demands allenergy = pd.concat([allenergy, scende], axis=1) #collect all scenarios de (excludes demand sum) energyDemands = pd.concat([energyDemands,scende_demands], axis=1) #collect energy demands (includes demand sum column) energyGen = pd.concat([energyGen, scende_gen], axis=1) #collect all scenarios energy generation energyFuel = pd.concat([energyFuel, scende_fuels], axis=1) #collect all scenarios fuel energy demands energyDemands_all = pd.concat([energyDemands_all, scende_demands, scende_fuels], axis=1) #Fix the index to be years allenergy.index = self.scenario[scen].dataIn_e['year'] energyDemands_all.index = self.scenario[scen].dataIn_e['year'] energyGen.index = self.scenario[scen].dataIn_e['year'] return allenergy, energyGen, energyDemands_all #note, all these are annual def plotScenariosComparison(self, keyword=None, scenarios=None): if scenarios is None: scenarios = list(self.scenario.keys()) else: if isinstance(scenarios, str): scenarios = [scenarios] if keyword is None: # TODO: Not ideal way to provide this info, but will have to work for this release. scen = list(self.scenario.keys())[0] print("Please pass a keyword:") if hasattr(self.scenario[scen], 'dataIn_m'): print("\n ** Scenario Data In Mass ", list(self.scenario[scen].dataIn_m.keys())) if hasattr(self.scenario[scen], 'dataOut_m'): print("\n ** Scenario Data Out Mass ", list(self.scenario[scen].dataOut_m.keys())) if hasattr(self.scenario[scen], 'dataIn_e'): print("\n ** Scenario Data In Energy ", list(self.scenario[scen].dataIn_e.keys())) if hasattr(self.scenario[scen], 'dataOut_e'): print("\n ** Scenario Data Out Energy ", list(self.scenario[scen].dataOut_e.keys())) return yunits = _unitReferences(keyword) plt.figure() for scen in scenarios: if hasattr(self.scenario[scen], 'dataIn_e'): dataIn_e = True else: dataIn_e = False # Not very elegant but works? if keyword in self.scenario[scen].dataIn_m: plt.plot(self.scenario[scen].dataIn_m['year'],self.scenario[scen].dataIn_m[keyword], label=scen) elif keyword in self.scenario[scen].dataOut_m: plt.plot(self.scenario[scen].dataIn_m['year'],self.scenario[scen].dataOut_m[keyword], label=scen) elif dataIn_e: if keyword in self.scenario[scen].dataIn_e: plt.plot(self.scenario[scen].dataIn_m['year'],self.scenario[scen].dataIn_e[keyword], label=scen) # the year column is not getting added to the dataOut DFs elif keyword in self.scenario[scen].dataOut_e: plt.plot(self.scenario[scen].dataIn_m['year'],self.scenario[scen].dataOut_e[keyword], label=scen) else: print("No data for ", keyword, "for Scenario ", scen) plt.legend() plt.xlabel('Year') plt.title(keyword.replace('_', " ")) plt.ylabel(yunits) def plotMetricResults(self): from plotly.subplots import make_subplots # import plotly.graph_objects as go y1 = self.plotMaterialResults(keyword='VirginStock', yearlyorcumulative='yearly') y2 = self.plotMaterialResults(keyword='WasteAll', yearlyorcumulative='yearly') y3 = self.plotMaterialResults(keyword='WasteEOL', yearlyorcumulative='yearly') y4 = self.plotMaterialResults(keyword='WasteMFG', yearlyorcumulative='yearly') c1 = self.plotMaterialResults(keyword='VirginStock', yearlyorcumulative='cumulative') c2 = self.plotMaterialResults(keyword='WasteAll', yearlyorcumulative='cumulative') c3 = self.plotMaterialResults(keyword='WasteEOL', yearlyorcumulative='cumulative') c4 = self.plotMaterialResults(keyword='WasteMFG', yearlyorcumulative='cumulative') ic = self.plotInstalledCapacityResults() def plotMaterialResults(self, keyword, yearlyorcumulative='yearly', cumplot=False): import as px import re if yearlyorcumulative == 'yearly': data = self.USyearly else: data = self.UScum if keyword is None: print("keyword options are :" 'VirginStock', 'WasteALL', 'WasteEOL', 'WasteMFG') return #TODO: add a split to first bracket and print unique values option and return. filter_col = [col for col in data if col.startswith(keyword)] # Getting Title, Y-Axis Labels, and Legend Readable titlekeyword = str.capitalize(yearlyorcumulative) + re.sub( r"([A-Z])", r" \1", keyword) units = filter_col[0].split('_')[-1] mylegend = [col.split('_')[1:] for col in filter_col] mylegend = [col[:-1] for col in mylegend] mylegend = [' '.join(col) for col in mylegend] mylegend = [str.capitalize(col) for col in mylegend] fig = px.line(data[filter_col], template="plotly_white") fig.update_layout( title=titlekeyword, xaxis_title="Year", yaxis_title=units ) for idx, name in enumerate(mylegend):[idx].name = name[idx].hovertemplate = name if cumplot: return fig else: return def plotInstalledCapacityResults(self, cumplot=False): # TODO: Add scenarios input to subselect which ones to plot. import as px datay = self.USyearly datac = self.UScum filter_colc = [col for col in datac if col.startswith('newInstalledCapacity')] filter_coly = [col for col in datay if col.startswith('ActiveCapacity')] datay = datay[filter_coly].copy() mylegend = [col.split('_')[1:] for col in datay] mylegend = [col[:-1] for col in mylegend] mylegend = [str(col)[2:-2] for col in mylegend] mylegendy = ['Active Capacity, '+col for col in mylegend] print(mylegend) datac = datac[filter_colc].copy() mylegend = [col.split('_')[1:] for col in datac] mylegend = [col[:-1] for col in mylegend] mylegend = [str(col)[2:-2] for col in mylegend] mylegendc = ['Cumulative New Installs, '+col for col in mylegend] data = datay.join(datac) mylegend = mylegendy + mylegendc titlekeyword = 'Installed Capacity and Cumulative new Installs' # Getting Title, Y-Axis Labels, and Legend Readable units = filter_colc[0].split('_')[-1] fig = px.line(data, template="plotly_white") fig.update_layout( title=titlekeyword, xaxis_title="Year", yaxis_title=units ) for idx, name in enumerate(mylegend):[idx].name = name[idx].hovertemplate = name if cumplot: return fig else: return def plotMaterialComparisonAcrossScenarios(self, keyword=None, scenarios=None, material = None): if scenarios is None: scenarios = list(self.scenario.keys()) else: if isinstance(scenarios, str): scenarios = [scenarios] if keyword is None: # TODO: Prettify this. try: scens = list(self.scenario.keys())[0] mats = list(self.scenario[scens].material.keys())[0] print("Choose one of the keywords: ", "\n ** Material Data In Mass ", list(self.scenario[scens].material[mats].matdataIn_m.keys()), "\n ** Material Data In Energy ", list(self.scenario[scens].material[mats].matdataIn_e.keys()), "\n ** Material Data Out Mass ", list(self.scenario[scens].material[mats].matdataOut_m.keys()), "\n ** Material Data Out Energy ", list(self.scenario[scens].material[mats].matdataOut_e.keys()) ) except: print("Please pass a keyword.") return if material is None: scens = list(self.scenario.keys())[0] mats = list(self.scenario[scens].material.keys()) print("Choose one of the Materials: ", mats) return else: if isinstance(material, str) is False: mats = list(self.scenario[scens].material.keys()) print("Can only pass one material name (str). Choose one of the Materials: ", mats) return yunits = _unitReferences(keyword) plt.figure() for scen in scenarios: if keyword in self.scenario[scen].material[material].matdataIn_m: plt.plot(self.scenario[scen].dataIn_m['year'],self.scenario[scen].material[material].matdataIn_m[keyword], label=scen) elif keyword in self.scenario[scen].material[material].matdataIn_e: plt.plot(self.scenario[scen].dataIn_m['year'],self.scenario[scen].material[material].matdataIn_e[keyword], label=scen) elif keyword in self.scenario[scen].material[material].matdataOut_m: plt.plot(self.scenario[scen].dataIn_m['year'],self.scenario[scen].material[material].matdataOut_m[keyword], label=scen) elif keyword in self.scenario[scen].material[material].matdataOut_e: plt.plot(self.scenario[scen].dataIn_m['year'],self.scenario[scen].material[material].matdataOut_e[keyword], label=scen) else: print("No data for ", keyword, "for Scenario ", scen) plt.legend() plt.xlabel('Year') plt.title((material + ' ' + keyword.replace('_', " "))) plt.ylabel(yunits)
[docs]class Scenario(Simulation): def __init__(self, name, massmodulefile=None, energymodulefile = None, file=None): if massmodulefile is None and file is not None: print("Deprecation warning: file has been deprecated as of v 0.3 as", "an input to class Scenario and will be fully removed for v 0.4;", "Use 'massmodulefile' instead. \n Internally renaming as massmodulefile to continue") massmodulefile = file = name self.material = {} if massmodulefile is None: try: massmodulefile = _interactive_load('Select module baseline (mass) file') except: raise Exception('Interactive load failed. Tkinter not supported'+ 'on this system. Try installing X-Quartz and reloading') data, meta = _readPVICEFile(massmodulefile) self.baselinefile = file self.metdataIn_m = meta self.dataIn_m = data if energymodulefile is not None: self.addEnergytoModule(energymodulefile) def addEnergytoModule(self, energymodulefile): data, meta = _readPVICEFile(energymodulefile) self.energyfile = energymodulefile self.metdataIn_e = meta self.dataIn_e = data def addMaterial(self, materialname, massmatfile=None, energymatfile=None, file=None): ''' Adds a material object, assigning its name and loading mass and energy data. Inputs -------- materialname : string String of the material to import, assigned to the material object. massmatfile : file Path including filename to the material file to load energymatfile : str Path including filename to the material file to load ''' if massmatfile is None and file is not None: print("Deprecation warning: file has been deprecated as of v 0.3 as", "an input to class Material and will be fully removed for v 0.4;", "Use 'massmatfile' instead. \n Internally renaming as massmatfile to continue") massmatfile = file self.material[materialname] = Material(materialname, massmatfile, energymatfile) def addMaterials(self, materials, baselinefolder=None, matnameformatMass=None, matnameformatEnergy=None): ''' Inputs -------- materialname : list of strings(preferred) List of materials to loop over and add to the simulation. Single material string (i.e. 'glass') can be passed but converted to list. Examples: materials = ['glass', 'silver'] baselinefolder : path Path to where the material folders are stored matnameformatMass : str Format of the material baseline files mass names, including a bracket for formatting in the materialname. i.e. 'baseline_material_mass_{}.csv' matnameformatEnergy : str Format of the material baseline files energy names, including a bracket for formatting in the materialname. i.e. 'baseline_material_energy_{}.csv' matnameformatEnergy : str ''' if baselinefolder is None: baselinefolder = DATA_PATH # Checking if string passed for a single material, converting it to list if type(materials) == str: materials = [materials] if matnameformatMass is None: matnameformatMass = r'baseline_material_mass_{}.csv' if matnameformatEnergy is None: matnameformatEnergy = r'baseline_material_energy_{}.csv' for mat in materials: massmatfile = os.path.join(baselinefolder, matnameformatMass.format(mat)) energymatfile = os.path.join(baselinefolder, matnameformatEnergy.format(mat)) if os.path.isfile(energymatfile): print("Adding Mass AND Energy files for: ", mat ) else: energymatfile = None print("Adding Mass files for: ", mat ) self.material[mat] = Material(mat, massmatfile = massmatfile, energymatfile = energymatfile) def modifyMaterials(self, materials, stage, value, start_year=None): if start_year is None: start_year = int( if materials is None: materials = list(self.material.keys()) else: if isinstance(materials, str): materials = [materials] selectyears = self.dataIn_m['year']>=start_year if isinstance(value, (pd.Series)): for mat in materials: timeshift = start_year - self.dataIn_m.iloc[0,0] self.material[mat].matdataIn_m.loc[timeshift:, stage] = value.values else: for mat in materials: self.material[mat].matdataIn_m.loc[selectyears, stage] = value def modifyMaterialEnergy(self, materials, stage, value, start_year=None): if start_year is None: start_year = int( if materials is None: materials = list(self.material.keys()) else: if isinstance(materials, str): materials = [materials] selectyears = self.dataIn_e['year']>=start_year if isinstance(value, (pd.Series)): for mat in materials: timeshift = start_year - self.dataIn_e.iloc[0,0] self.material[mat].matdataIn_e.loc[timeshift:, stage] = value.values else: for mat in materials: self.material[mat].matdataIn_e.loc[selectyears, stage] = value def __getitem__(self, key): return getattr(self, key) def __setitem__(self, key): return setattr(self, key)
[docs]class Material: def __init__(self, materialname, massmatfile, energymatfile=None): self.materialname = materialname if massmatfile is None: try: massmatfile = _interactive_load('Select material baseline ' + 'file') except: raise Exception('Interactive load failed. Tkinter not ' + 'supported on this system. Try installing ' + 'X-Quartz and reloading') data, meta = _readPVICEFile(massmatfile) self.massmatfile = massmatfile self.matmetdataIn_m = meta self.matdataIn_m = data # SAVING A COPY TO RAW # Joining the metdata back in foometa = pd.DataFrame(meta, index=[0]) foodata = pd.concat([foometa, data], axis=0) # Removing the path to just get the filename # TODO - find fancy python way, this will probably break on a mac try: foomassmatfile = massmatfile.split('\\')[-1] foodata.to_csv(os.path.join('raw', materialname + '_' + foomassmatfile)) except: print("Can't save raw files on macs yet.") if energymatfile is not None: self.addEnergytoMaterial(energymatfile) else: self.energymatfile = None self.matmetdataIn_e = None self.matdataIn_e = None def addEnergytoMaterial(self, energymatfile): data, meta = _readPVICEFile(energymatfile) self.energymatfile = energymatfile self.matmetdataIn_e = meta self.matdataIn_e = data
[docs]def weibull_params(keypoints): r'''Returns shape parameter `alpha` and scale parameter `beta` for a Weibull distribution whose CDF passes through the two time: value pairs in `keypoints` Parameters ---------- keypoints : list Two lists of t50 and 590 values, where t50 is the year since deployment that the cohort has lost 50% of originally installed modules, and t90 is the year since deployment that the cohort has lost 90% of the originally installed modules. These values are used to calcualte the shape and scale parameters for the weibull distribution. Returns ------- alpha : float Shape parameter `alpha` for weibull distribution. beta : float Scale parameter `beta` for weibull distribution. Often exchanged with ``lifetime`` like in Irena 2016, beta = 30. ''' t1, t2 = tuple(keypoints.keys()) cdf1, cdf2 = tuple(keypoints.values()) alpha = np.ndarray.item(np.real_if_close( (np.log(np.log(1 - cdf1)+0j) - np.log(np.log(1 - cdf2)+0j))/(np.log(t1) - np.log(t2)) )) beta = np.abs(np.exp( ( np.log(t2)*((0+1j)*np.pi + np.log(np.log(1 - cdf1)+0j)) + np.log(t1)*(((0-1j))*np.pi - np.log(np.log(1 - cdf2)+0j)) )/( np.log(np.log(1 - cdf1)+0j) - np.log(np.log(1 - cdf2)+0j) ) )) return {'alpha': alpha, 'beta': beta}
[docs]def weibull_cdf(alpha, beta): '''Return the CDF for a Weibull distribution having: shape parameter `alpha` scale parameter `beta` Parameters ---------- alpha : float Shape parameter `alpha` for weibull distribution. beta : float Scale parameter `beta` for weibull distribution. Often exchanged with ``lifetime`` like in Irena 2016, beta = 30. ''' def cdf(x): return 1 - np.exp(-(np.array(x)/beta)**alpha) return cdf
def weibull_pdf(alpha, beta): r'''Return the PDF for a Weibull distribution having: shape parameter `alpha` scale parameter `beta` Parameters ---------- alpha : float Shape parameter `alpha` for weibull distribution. beta : float Scale parameter `beta` for weibull distribution. Often exchanged with ``lifetime`` like in Irena 2016, beta = 30. ''' def pdf(x): return (alpha/np.array(x)) * ((np.array(x)/beta)**alpha) * (np.exp(-(np.array(x)/beta)**alpha)) return pdf def weibull_pdf_vis(alpha, beta, xlim=56): r''' Returns the CDF for a weibull distribution of 1 generation so it can be plotted. Parameters ---------- alpha : float Shape parameter `alpha` for weibull distribution. beta : float Scale parameter `beta` for weibull distribution. Often exchanged with ``lifetime`` like in Irena 2016, beta = 30. xlim : int Number of years to calculate the distribution for. i.e. x-axis limit. Returns ------- idf : list List of weibull cumulative distribution values for year 0 until xlim. ''' dfindex = pd.RangeIndex(0,xlim,1) x = np.clip(dfindex - 0, 0, np.inf) if alpha and beta: i = weibull_pdf(alpha, beta) idf = list(map(i, x)) return idf def weibull_cdf_vis(alpha, beta, xlim=56): r''' Returns the CDF for a weibull distribution of 1 generation so it can be plotted. Parameters ---------- alpha : float Shape parameter `alpha` for weibull distribution. beta : float Scale parameter `beta` for weibull distribution. Often exchanged with ``lifetime`` like in Irena 2016, beta = 30. xlim : int Number of years to calculate the distribution for. i.e. x-axis limit. Returns ------- idf : list List of weibull cumulative distribution values for year 0 until xlim. ''' dfindex = pd.RangeIndex(0,xlim,1) x = np.clip(dfindex - 0, 0, np.inf) if alpha and beta: i = weibull_cdf(alpha, beta) idf = list(map(i, x)) return idf
[docs]def sens_StageImprovement(df, stage, improvement=1.3, start_year=None): ''' Modifies baseline scenario for evaluating sensitivity of lifetime parameter. t50 and t90 reliability years get incresed by `improvement` parameter starting the `year_increase` year specified. Parameters ---------- df : dataframe dataframe to be modified stage : str Stage that wants to be modified. This can be any of the module or material specified values, for example:'MFG_Material_eff', 'mat_MFG_scrap_recycled', 'mat_MFG_scrap_Recycled', 'mat_MFG_scrap_Recycled_into_HQ', 'mat_MFG_scrap_Recycled_into_HQ_Reused4MFG' 'mod_EOL_collection_losses', 'mod_EOL_collected_recycled', 'mat_EOL_Recycling_yield', 'mat_EOL_Recycled_into_HQ', 'mat_EOL_RecycledHQ_Reused4MFG', 'mod_Repair', 'mod_MerchantTail', 'mod_Reuse', 'mod_eff', etc. improvement : decimal Percent increase in decimal (i.e. "1.3" for 30% increase in value) or percent decrease (i.e. "0.3") relative to values in df. start_year : the year at which the improvement occurs Returns -------- df : dataframe dataframe of expected module lifetime increased or decreased at specified year ''' if start_year is None: start_year = int( #df[df.index > 2000]['mod_reliability_t50'].apply(lambda x: x*1.3) df[stage] = df[stage].astype(float) df.loc[df.index > start_year, stage] = df[df.index > start_year][stage].apply(lambda x: x*improvement) return df
[docs]def sens_StageEfficiency(df, stage, target_eff = 95.0, start_year = None, goal_year = 2030, plotflag = False): ''' Modifies baseline scenario for evaluating sensitivity to increasing a stage in the lifetime of the module's efficiency. It either increases or decreases from the start year until the goal year the value to the target efficiency by interpolation. Parameters ---------- df : dataframe dataframe to be modified stage : str Stage that wants to be modified. This can be any of the module or material specified efficiencies, for example:'MFG_Material_eff', 'mat_MFG_scrap_recycled', 'mat_MFG_scrap_Recycled', 'mat_MFG_scrap_Recycled_into_HQ', 'mat_MFG_scrap_Recycled_into_HQ_Reused4MFG' 'mod_EOL_collection_losses', 'mod_EOL_collected_recycled', 'mat_EOL_Recycling_yield', 'mat_EOL_Recycled_into_HQ', 'mat_EOL_RecycledHQ_Reused4MFG', 'mod_Repair', 'mod_MerchantTail', 'mod_Reuse', 'mod_eff', etc. start_year: int Year to start modifying the value. This specifies the initial efficiency value that is going to be modified. If None is passed, current year is used. target_eff: flat target eff value in percentage to be reached. i.e. 95.0 %. goal_year : int year by which target efficiency will be reached. i.e. 2030. Must be higher than current year. Returns ------- df : dataframe modified dataframe ''' if start_year is None: start_year = int( if start_year > goal_year: print("Error. Goal Year is before start year") return if 0 < abs(target_eff) < 1: # checking it is not 0.95 but 95% i.e. print("Warning: target_eff value is between 0 and 1; it has been" "multiplied by 100% assuming it was a percentage in decimal form.") target_eff = target_eff*100 if target_eff > 100 or target_eff < 0: print("Warning: target_eff is out of range. Input value between" "0 and 100") return if stage in df.columns: df2 = df.copy() df2[stage]=df2[stage].astype(float) df2.loc[(df2.index < goal_year) & (df2.index > start_year), stage] = np.nan df2.loc[df2.index >= goal_year , stage] = target_eff df2[stage] = df2[stage].interpolate() if plotflag: plt.plot(df[stage], label='Original') plt.plot(df2[stage], label='Modified') plt.title('Updated values for '+stage) plt.legend() return df2 else: print("Stage name incorrect.")
def _modDict(originaldict, moddict): ''' Compares keys in originaldict with moddict and updates values of originaldict to moddict if existing. Parameters ---------- originaldict : dictionary Original dictionary calculated, for example frontscan or backscan dictionaries. moddict : dictionary Modified dictinoary, for example modscan['x'] = 0 to change position of x. Returns ------- originaldict : dictionary Updated original dictionary with values from moddict. ''' for key in moddict: try: originaldict[key] = moddict[key] except: print("Wrong key in modified dictionary") return originaldict
[docs]def calculateLCA(PVarea, modified_impacts=None, printflag = False): ''' ''' if printflag: print("Doing calculations of LCA analysis for Silicon Photovoltaic Panels") impacts = {'Acidification':{'UUID': '75d0c8a2-e466-3bd7-813b-5beef2209330', 'Result': 1.29374135667815, 'Unit': 'g SO2' }, 'Carcinogenics':{'UUID': 'a6e5e5d8-a1e5-3c77-8170-586c4fe37514', 'Result': 0.0000231966690476102, 'Unit': 'CTUh' }, 'Ecotoxicity':{'UUID': '338e9370-ceb0-3d18-9d87-5f91feb7829c', 'Result': 5933.77859696668, 'Unit': 'CTUe' }, 'Eutrophication':{'UUID': '45b8cd56-498a-3c6f-9488-134e951d8c02', 'Result': 1.34026194777363, 'Unit': 'kg N eq' }, 'Fossil fuel depletion':{'UUID': '0e45786f-67fa-3b8a-b8a3-73a7c316434c', 'Result': 249.642261689385, 'Unit': 'MJ surplus' }, 'Global warming':{'UUID': '31967441-d687-313d-9910-13da3a584ab7', 'Result': 268.548841324818, 'Unit': 'kg CO2 eq' }, 'Non carcinogenics':{'UUID': 'd4827ae3-c873-3ea4-85fb-860b7f3f2dee', 'Result': 0.000135331806321799, 'Unit': 'CTUh' }, 'Ozone depletion':{'UUID': '6c05dad1-6661-35f2-82aa-6e8e6a498aec', 'Result': 0.0000310937628622019, 'Unit': 'kg CFC-11 eq' }, 'Respiratory effects':{'UUID': 'e0916d62-7fbd-3d0a-a4a5-52659b0ac9c1', 'Result': 0.373415542664206, 'Unit': 'kg PM2.5 eq' }, 'Smog':{'UUID': '7a149078-e2fd-3e07-a5a3-79035c60e7c3', 'Result': 15.35483065, 'Unit': 'kg O3 eq' }, } if modified_impacts is not None: impacts = _modDict(impacts, modified_impacts) if printflag: print("Following Modified impacts provided instead of TRACI 2.1 default") print(impacts) print("") else: if printflag: print("Following TRACI 2.1") acidification = impacts['Acidification']['Result']*PVarea carcinogenics = impacts['Carcinogenics']['Result']*PVarea ecotoxicity = impacts['Ecotoxicity']['Result']*PVarea eutrophication = impacts['Eutrophication']['Result']*PVarea fossil_fuel_depletion = impacts['Fossil fuel depletion']['Result']*PVarea global_warming = impacts['Global warming']['Result']*PVarea non_carcinogenics = impacts['Non carcinogenics']['Result']*PVarea ozone_depletion = impacts['Ozone depletion']['Result']*PVarea respiratory_effects = impacts['Respiratory effects']['Result']*PVarea smog = impacts['Smog']['Result']*PVarea if printflag: print("RESULTS FOR PV AREA ", PVarea, " m2 ") print("****************************************") print('Acidification: ', round(impacts['Acidification']['Result']*PVarea, 2), ' ', impacts['Acidification']['Unit']) print('Carcinogenics: ', round(impacts['Carcinogenics']['Result']*PVarea, 2), ' ', impacts['Carcinogenics']['Unit']) print('Ecotoxicity: ', round(impacts['Ecotoxicity']['Result']*PVarea, 2), ' ', impacts['Ecotoxicity']['Unit']) print('Eutrophication: ', round(impacts['Eutrophication']['Result']*PVarea, 2), ' ', impacts['Eutrophication']['Unit']) print('Fossil fuel depletion: ', round(impacts['Fossil fuel depletion']['Result']*PVarea, 2), ' ', impacts['Fossil fuel depletion']['Unit']) print('Global warming: ', round(impacts['Global warming']['Result']*PVarea, 2), ' ', impacts['Global warming']['Unit']) print('Non carcinogenics: ', round(impacts['Non carcinogenics']['Result']*PVarea, 2), ' ', impacts['Non carcinogenics']['Unit']) print('Ozone depletion: ', round(impacts['Ozone depletion']['Result']*PVarea, 2), ' ', impacts['Ozone depletion']['Unit']) print('Respiratory effects: ', round(impacts['Respiratory effects']['Result']*PVarea, 2), ' ', impacts['Respiratory effects']['Unit']) print('Smog: ', round(impacts['Smog']['Result']*PVarea, 2), ' ', impacts['Smog']['Unit']) return (acidification, carcinogenics, ecotoxicity, eutrophication, fossil_fuel_depletion, global_warming, non_carcinogenics, ozone_depletion, respiratory_effects, smog)